Menopause post treatment

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  • 38 subscribers

Hi. I have a question and wonder if anybody else has experienced anything similar. I'm a 62 yr old female. I had an early menopause at 37. I had surgery to remove an anal tumour March 2020. Diagnosed with Anal Cancer T1N0M0 May 2020. I had the standard 5.5wks of chemoradiotherapy May to July 2020.I had an all clear NED in October and now I'm pretty much back to normal, but, I'm experiencing menopausal symptoms again. Has anybody else felt menopausal post treatment? I'm waiting for an app't with a gynaecology speciality about my lost libido. I'd really welcome your views/experiences. Thx. Bev

  • Hi ,

    Although different to your own I thought I’d share my experience with you. I suffered awful night sweats along with other symptoms related to menopause prior to my treatment, strangely enough I never had flushes during the daytime though. Following treatment the night sweats completely stopped along with most of my other menopausal symptoms, now I get the odd hot flush during the daytime but they’re few & far between & over & done with in seconds so I’m surmising that’s me through the other side, fingers crossed. 


  • Hi   I started to experience some hot flushes about 2-3 years before treatment that were on and off but had stopped before treatment. After treatment, they came back for about 2 months but didn't occur that often. They've now disappeared. My libido is quite low, unsure if due to the psychological effects of treatment or the menopause.  I had a look at the dilator issue that you mentioned a while back. I think silicone dilators would be much more comfortable than they plastic ones they give you at the hospital. Please let us know if there are any tips to pick up libido at your appointment, I suspect quite a few people may also have this issue. All the best, Bev. 

  • Thanks Bev. Like you, my symptoms are occassional so maybe they'll dissappear too. I'll let you knoe how my  gynaecology app't goes, although, like most things there's a back log so it may be sometime. Bev

  • Hi. An update on progress. I was referred to the gynaecology team at my local hospital as my libido has dissappeared since my chemoradiotherapy treatment and I was experiencing menopausal symptoms even though I had premature ovarian failure 25 yrs ago, age 37.  I had my app't last (I asked to go on the cancellation list). A full history was taken along with two unexpected internal examinations with a spectrum, which to my delight was absolutely fine and my cervix is healthy..The outcome, I have vaginal atrophy and estrogen (vagifem) is being prescribed to make things more comfortable down there. I've also been referred to a menopause clinic who specialise in this area. A combination of an early menopause and pelvic radiation have resulted in low estrogen levels. I was told that low estrogen can also be an indicator if you're getting joint/hip pain so it's worth checking out with your GP. if your affected by this I was also directed to some good websites, menopause matters and menopause doctor, the latter is excellent with podcasts and lots of info, some around cancer/sex etc. Jo Divine is also interviewed, an ex nurse who found a niche in the market for dialator alternatives, worth a listen. Anyway, my visit culminated in a referral and a suggestion towards restarting HRT Estrogen and Testosterone. HRT has progressed a lot since I last took it some 10 yrs ago as many are administered transdermally rather than tablet form which removes risks. I'll keep you updated but do check out the websites if this area relates to you. Bev

  • Hi Bev ,

    I'm so pleased you’re getting some help with this. I think so many people tend to sit back following treatment for cancer & resign themselves to ‘this is just the way it is now’ especially with issues of such a personal nature, so thank you so much for putting this information out there I’m sure lots of people will find this very, very helpful, thank you again & I really hope you have success with this. 


  • Hi thanks very much for posting this.  I have literally just posted on another thread about hip pain so it's helpful to know this could be related to low estrogen levels. I will check out the info you've given. Bev x