New Diagnosis

  • 1 reply
  • 38 subscribers

I have been battling high grade AIN 2&3 for a year now with several surgeries and ablation. 
The last biopsies showed anal cancer. My case is so rare that the oncologists have never encountered another. My best chance is chemoradiation but they are saying I cannot have this as I had my colon removed nearly 11 years ago ( 14 years of ulcerative colitis) I have an internal J pouch, and it is at high risk of perforation. Therefore radical surgery may be my only chance, but with higher risk of return, no one is operating due to COVID which makes matters worse. I am 47 and scared. 
has anyone encountered or had these issues and if so how did you overcome them? 

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the online community & I’m sorry that you’re going through this right now.

    Is the radical surgery you speak of APR surgery? If so there’s at least a couple of members of the group that have had this surgery & are doing well.

    I understand your concerns about the delay of surgery due to the pandemic, have your Drs said that its unlikely to go ahead for this reason? APR surgery is generally performed if chemoradiotherapy isn’t an option for whatever reason or if there’s residual or reoccurring disease following a course of chemoradiotherapy.

    Hopefully someone that has had a similar experience will be along soon to share their journey with you. 
