Possible fistula??

  • 5 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Good afternoon all, I have finished radiotherapy and chemotherapy (tablets) on 31st dec, plodding along with usual symptoms described by many on here and counting down the days until things start getting better. This morning I found a small hole in the skin between my vagina and anus, about 2mm wide. 
I am going to call the nurse tomorrow to see where to go from here but this has really set me back mentally Pensive not been having poo in wee or any weird toilet habits that I know of. Has this happened to anyone else? Xx 

    • Hi  congratulations on finishing your treatment, I’m sorry you’re having this problem now though, it’s not what you need is it! This could possibly be a fistula as you say, which is a fairly uncommon side effect of cancer treatment. This isn’t something that I’ve personally suffered from. Perhaps someone else who had also encountered this condition will be along soon to comment.  Obviously you’re doing the right thing in seeking the advice of your nurse,who can provide a proper diagnosis,  hope all goes well. Bev. 
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Thankyou Bev for taking the time to reply, yes haven’t been able to find out much about this, fingers crossed someone may know something, thanks again 

  • Hi ,

    Firstly congratulations on completing your treatment although I’m sorry you’re having some ongoing issues. I don’t know a great deal about fistulas either to be honest, I don’t recall anyone posting with this issue but that’s not to say they’re not out there & your post will hopefully prompt a response. You’re doing the right thing in calling your nurse & getting some professional advice on dealing with this issue. Radiotherapy really is the gift that keeps on giving isn’t it? I hope you get sorted soon. 


  • Hi dishgirl, it sounds really upsetting especially just as you’re expecting to get better.  It’s good though that you’re not having any weird toilet symptoms from it, & hopefully your nurse can give you some advice.

    In June, about a month before my diagnosis, I had poo coming out of my vagina & it totally threw me since I still thought I had piles.  The MRI showed the fistula & the consultant said it could be corrected by surgery.

    Strangely, at some point during radiotherapy it just stopped.  I imagine it’s still there but I’m not going to bother with it as long as it’s not bothering me.  I’m about 11 weeks after the end of treatment now & just started home exercise along with a daily walk & have no plans to return to hospital for any reason now that I’m getting my life back!

    Good luck tomorrow, please let us know how it goes.  Toni 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Toni8776

    Thanks Toni, yes it’s just weird how there’s a hole there where there shouldn’t be one! I’m hoping it’s from the radiotherapy and will just heal itself and there’s no permanent inside damage, that must have been a scary experience for you, I hope you don’t have any more bother with it, I’ll let you all know how I get on tomorrow Catherine 

    update: spoke to nurse this morning who emailed consultant. She phoned me back and was reassuring, explained there’s an awful lot going on down there etc etc (it’s pretty close to where my tumour has been zapped too) and isn’t too concerned at the moment, I’m happy  now I’ve spoken to her. She has left me a number in case I want to visit the clinic so will keep an eye on it for the moment x