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Hi, I'm coming up to 18 months post treatment and although I'm largely trying to get on with things, the odd symptoms send me into a tailspin and worry what's going on.

I'm used to the toothache kind of feeling occasionally in my bottom and bleeding sometimes when things are difficult to pass. However just recently I seem to have more itching again and it just takes me back to pre treatment. Does anyone else get this as an ongoing symptom? I've got my next appointment soon ish but just my mind goes crazy with not knowing what I should be worrying about and looking out for- it that makes sense! 

Any thoughts really appreciated! 

Deb x 

  • Hi ,

    I'm 2.5 yrs post treatment & still, on occasion, have all the symptoms you describe above! Mine seems to come in bouts, I’ll tootle along for a while feeling great then I’ll probably have a difficult BM & that kicks things off, the odd bit of bleeding, the dull ache almost bruised feeling where my tumour was & the itching. My skin seems to get quite irritated fairly regularly, my surgeon said the new skin that forms following radiotherapy is basically like baby’s skin & as such can get a little rashy & itchy as with when babies get nappy rash, he also said it would never return to the way it was prior to treatment! I’ve just had a bout of this recently, I’ve upped my softeners & I also use sudocrem on the advice of my oncologist. Sometimes it can last a couple of days other times it goes on longer.

    Can I also add it’s perfectly normal for our minds to go into overdrive following what we’ve been through & because the after effects of the treatment can closely mimic the symptoms of the cancer itself only increases the anxiety. I know I have a very small chance of any recurrence but it doesn’t stop all of my senses being heightened during one of these episodes. I’d advise having a chat about your symptoms at your appointment & I’m sure your Dr can put your mind at rest. 


  • Hi we finished treatment at approximately the same time so I am almost 18 months post treatment too. I have ongoing bouts of soreness and itching which don't seem to be related to bowel movements, they flare up out of nowhere. I do have mucous sometimes and that does cause soreness. As has said, unfortunately the after effects of the radiation mirror some of our pre-diagnosis symptoms, this makes it difficult to know exactly what we should be worrying about. The most difficult thing I find is when I have a bit of bleeding. However, on the basis that all has been ok to date, I try and remind myself that these are all symptoms of the intensive radiotherapy we had. That said, if any of my symptoms worsened I would call my Oncologist for reassurance. Our skin will never quite be the same.  has put it very well blow, the post-radiated skin is like a baby's and is prone to rashes and itching like nappy rash. This is exactly what my skin is like.  I don't tend to use any creams, I just continue with the salt baths and things settle, until the next flare up! I would definitely share this information with your Oncologist who I'm sure will be able to put your mind at rest. Bev.