Anal cancer repeat three times

  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all, I am 51 and was diagnosed with anal cancer stage 2 NOMO in April 2019. I underwent the standard chemo radiotherapy and the cancer returned 6 months later. I then underwent APR with a VRAM. 6 months later it has come back. The consultant doesn’t want to operate again because it is close to the pelvic bone with very little margins a thinks it may be unsuccessful. He has advised I have SABR radiotherapy. Has anyone out there had this for anal cancer? 

Any advise of information would be greatly appreciated.

kind regards 


  • Hi there ,

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this right now! You really are going through the mill with this awful disease! I remember the dilemma that you had when you began your treatment about entering into the Trial etc., & I’m so surprised that with your reasonably early diagnosis that you’ve had to go through so much.

    Do you mind me asking if it was SCC you were originally diagnosed with? I’m only asking as in my time here I recall a couple of other members having very similar issues to yourself but I think certainly was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma & not SCC. I think one of the members I’m thinking of that has a similar story to your own has taken a break from the online community as finally after more treatment, although I think this was surgical & chemotherapy not the SABR radiotherapy, he was finally declared NED & just wanted some time out to enjoy that news!

    I don’t know an awful lot about the SABR radiotherapy but am I correct in thinking it’s a more direct or precise form of radiotherapy?

    Sorry I couldn’t be of more help but I didn’t want your post to just sit there unanswered, I hope someone with some experience of this sees your post & replies soon. 

    Thinking of you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Nikki

    Thanks for your reply.

    The tumour is SCC. The consultant said surgery has a 98% success rate for the stage I had and afterwards said he had never had one come back. 
    SABR is a powerful but precise treatment usually used on brain, lung and prostate tumours. The consultant said it would involve three or four sessions. 

    thanks for showing interest,

    all the best


  • Hi sorry to hear you are going through another reoccurrence. I don't have any experience of SABR either. You mention that this type of radiotherapy is usually used for brain, lung and prostrate tumours. I wonder whether you might post your query in one of those groups on this site to get some general feedback about SABR. I do hope all goes well for you. Bev 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Macki

    I was diagnosed in July 2018. I had a stoma fitted before treatment commenced. I had chemo x 2 and 32 sessions of radiotherapy, I believe this was SABR radiotherapy as it was very intense and caused hair loss and severe blistering. My last lot of chemo ended April 2019. In September 2019 I was rushed into hospital with a ruptured perineal hernia and nearly died. My bowel had twisted and part of my bowel had gone gangrenous. I was sent to Plymouth for a scan as my consultant thought cancer had returned in my ovaries. I can't even remember when my life has been a blur since I was diagnosed in July 2018 and my husband of 40 years left me whilst I was having chemo. I am confused by the dates all of this happened. There is so much of my initial diagnosis that I don't understand. I know I was going to my GP for 6 months telling them something was not right with my body and I had a massive bleed from my rectum that I photographed to show I knew something was very wrong. I really don't understand what treatment I had or what stage my cancer was my life was and still is a blur. However, saying that in July 2018 I was diagnosed with cancer we are now March 2021 and I am not receiving treatment for cancer so that must be a good sign.