
  • 4 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Everything is still going well apart from that itch!! And now insomnia seems to have joined in now .. All week now I just can’t get to sleep or stay asleep.Wondering if it’s menopause related as having the hot flushes like I’ve never had before ... Would I be mad to go on HRT having had cancer? .. I’ve looked it up on Dr Google and it seems to suggest hrt actually decreases risk of rectal cancers,think I will have a chat with my Dr.

Sorry lots of questions in one go ... x

  • Hi  I was reading through my diary that I kept through treatment. After going through a period of exhaustion just after treatment I then went totally the other way and was unable to sleep. This is something that has happened to me before though so probably not treatment or menopause related. As I understand it, insomnia is a common symptom of the menopause. I would definitely speak to your doc about HRT, there’s different types & doseages. Then weigh up the risks and benefits & decide what’s best for you. X

  • Hi 1in1500

    Thankyou so much for your reply .. Dr is calling me Monday to discuss,hopefully we will come up with something,Slept well last night .. May have been a glass of red wine treat tho!! :0) 

    Sharon x

  • Hi Ruby1969,

    I'm just starting week 5, but insomnia has plagued me on and off my entire adulthood. Women have so much to think about in the middle of the night--make lists, plan strategies, and generally sort out their lives at 3am.

    I wonder if it's your body's way of rallying back from such a tough endeavor. Physically and mentally you've been through the wringer, so it makes sense that your body is confused and working overtime--that may translate into insomnia.

    Anyway, rest when you can--grab a few Winston Churchill naps, and take good care of yourself!



  • Hi Ruby

    hope you are doing better.  I had terrible insomnia approx 4 weeks into treatment and would pace the floor all night.  I initially thought the same that it was menopause and even blamed my Vitamin D tablets, but eventually I found out that it was anxiety, the dr put me on a low dose antidepressant and gave me diazepam as well.   I did not think it was anxiety as I was calm and I thought I was actually ok, but it turns out I wasn’t and it’s ok not to be ok. Xx