Quick Question at the Start of Week 4

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  • 40 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I hope you are happy and feeling good!

I read all your posts, and I wanted to arm myself with information before I meet with my radiation oncologist this Tuesday. 

So far, I have only been told to use Aquaphor on my bum area, but I hear all these interesting, exciting creams and ointments that your doctors are offering up (since I am in the US, I notice your treatment seem more proactive with products to help keep the discomfort away). For example, you all discuss Sea Salts for the sitz bath, but I was told no Dead Sea Salts, but rather baking soda (because sea salts are too harsh). Somehow I think the UK knows what it's doing, and I want to be ready to request meds/creams/ointments when I meet my doctor. I'm experiencing some burning, stinging, and soreness (especially when going to the bathroom). 

So far I've read about:

  • mucosamin (rectal gel)
  • Medihoney (I just ordered this from Amazon)
  • morphine gel (I wonder if my docs will even offer this)

Do you have any other recommendations to stave off the increasing discomfort below?

I'd rather head to the appointment ready with requests!

Thank you all so much,


  • Hi  I was given Flamazine gel to use but I didn’t really use it. I was lucky enough to have a qualified aromatherapist friend who made me a special gel to apply externally. It had aloe Vera ( alcohol free) camomile and high altitude lavender oil in it. She ensured that the ingredients were mixed to a certain specification. The main ingredient was alcohol free aloe Vera gel. This worked for me. I also used just regular table salt in my baths. Another tip is to moisturise from day 1. Don’t wait until your skin starts to go pink. Also, don’t put cream on just before your radiation treatment. I also had 2-3 salt baths a day from the beginning of treatment and although my skin went pink/red I only peeled a little bit and didn’t suffer too badly with my skin x

  • Hi ,

    I was advised by my radiotherapy team to use QV cream in the beginning, which is basically an aqueous cream, just to keep things well moisturised, then when I began having a skin reaction I was given Flaminal cream, once treatment had finished I was given a supply of Flamazine cream which I was told could only be used once I’d finished my radiotherapy sessions as it contains silver therefore shouldn’t be used if you’re still having radiotherapy. I also had salt baths, Epsom salts or Dead Sea salts worked for me & this was sometimes where I was most comfortable. I’m 2.5 years post treatment & still moisturise regularly as the new skin is pretty sensitive & gets a little rashy sometimes, my surgeon said it’s like baby’s skin & can be prone to something similar to nappy rash! I’ve visited a Facebook page for people with a diagnosis of anal cancer & it is predominantly US based & the advice between the US & UK does seem to vary quite a lot. I also used aqueous cream to wash with throughout & still do as anything soap based or perfumed still stings a little & seems to dry out my skin. 


  • Hi Sarah

    I use Medihoney supplied by my radiographers. They told me to keep a tube in the fridge and apply cold as this helps the burning and itching.

    I also use QV cream. You can get this on Amazon. Slap it on everytime you use the loo.

    So far I'm not too sore although washing with a simple non perfumed soap and a baby sponge stings a little. I soak in dead sea salts in my portable bidet with warm water. This really helps to keep the area clean and also soothes the pain.

    Hope these tips help. I'm a week behind you. About to start week 3 and wishing my life away as I'm sure you are. Stay strong.

    Michelle x

  • Hi 

    Just a bit of advice I was given by my radiotherapy team, if you’re already using the QV cream as a moisturiser you can also use it to wash with, it won’t have the drying effect that even a non-perfumed soap has & they told me that even the mildest of soaps kill off all of the good bacteria down there, I suffered radiation cystitis & this helped with that too. Even 2.5 years on from my treatment I still only wash with aqueous cream, my GP put it on repeat prescription for me. 


  • Great tip Nicola. Thank you. I will try that this morning x

  • Thank you all for the tips and recommendations. I've felt off all last week with extreme nausea. The docs gave me a new medicine which seems to help--Olanzapine--which is actually for schizophrenia but works for nausea...who knew.

    My nausea is better but the bum issues have kicked into overdrive. I'm starting day 20 of 29 treatments tomorrow, and I don't know how you all soldiered through radiation. My bottom-area decline happened rapidly; my sphincter muscle is cracked, bleeding, and feels like someone is dripping lemon juice into cuts when I go to the bathroom. The whole area is swollen. How did you persevere for the last two weeks? I actually get dizzy and break into a sweat from the pain. I was given hydrocortisone suppositories to help with inflammation, but it's not touching the pain.

    That all sounded dramatic, but I'm actually known for handling pain quite well, but I need something to numb the nerves down there.

    When things got rough, what was best to dull the excruciating pain of pooping?

    Thank you to all the warriors who came before me and made it to the other side.

    All the best,


  • Hi Sarah

    Firstly I'd like to say I definitely feel your pain! I've just completed treatment 16 of 29 so am a little behind you. My nausea has been sorted but my regular pain killers began wearing off far too quickly. I'm now on morphine tablets with liquid morphine as a back up. Without a doubt I'm sleeping better.

    My skin has begun to crack. I'm very sore down under and have noticed my pubic hair has completely disappeared. My groin area is very sore and my granny knickers dig in a bit. I had a few days of very severe leakage which made me even more sore. I am on a thrush treatment too. My hospital ran out of medihoney cream so I've been without for the last 4 days which hasn't helped! They've given me a couple of alternative creams which aren't as good until they replenish their stocks.

    I find that wiping with incontinence wipes (from Amazon) helps. They are very soft and have a barrier cream on them. I can no longer use toilet roll or wash with anything other than aqueous cream and a quick sloosh around with my hand. Even a baby sponge killed! I'm sure it's going to get worse before it gets better and I will dread going to the toilet very soon! I also experienced a horrendous itch last night. Scratching didn't help the soreness either!

    At least you know you're not suffering alone. I know it doesn't help a whole lot but I do understand.

    Try to have a good Christmas if possible and persevere. Give it a few weeks and hopefully we'll both be on the road to recovery.

    Take care, stay strong...

    Michelle x

  • Hi Sarah ,

    I’m sorry you’re not feeling great right now, you're doing so well, you’re so close to the end now though & you will get there. Have you tried ibuprofen? I suffered major internal & external inflammation towards the end of treatment & in the couple of weeks after I finished & alternated paracetamol & ibuprofen 2 hourly & it took the edge off although having a BM was pretty painful & I completely sympathise with the whole dizzy, sweating experience! I made sure that I kept everything well moisturised with the creams from my radiotherapy team. Have a word with your team tomorrow & see if they can offer something more substantial for the pain, I couldn’t take any opiate based painkillers as they caused constipation which wasn’t what I needed! I kept a jug of water by the toilet & poured that over myself when I needed a wee & that diluted it so it didn’t sting as much or if you have a portable bidet then fill that & go when you sit in the water. I know some people on here have been prescribed morphine dressings when they’ve had a severe skin reaction but your issues sound like mine were, mainly toilet related, I know a lot of people suffer diarrhoea during treatment but I didn’t & found I needed to take stool softeners throughout to make BM’s a little easier. 


  • Hi ,

    I was exactly the same as you & could only wash with aqueous cream on my hand & dab dry with a soft towel. Regarding the itch, I think lots of us suffered that at some stage during our treatment & I found taking a one a day antihistamine helped & keeping the area well moisturised. Also if your finding your underwear is irritating your already sore skin a few people have mentioned they’ve worn men’s boxer shorts, I presume the jersey ones, as they have no elastic that sits in your groin & if possible just go without when you’re home. Hang on in there. 


  • Hi  and  just at add to the advice  has given, I ditched the underwear at about week 4 & didn’t wear it for months. Whatever i wore seemed to rub. I used to dread going to the toilet, I remember gripping the radiator very tightly. When I got really bad I would just jump in the shower straight after and spray lukewarm water at my nether regions. Then I would immediately have a salt bath after taking ibuprofen, that seemed to ease things until the next time. It’s tough but you will both get through it, you will be done with it soon & you will find you will heal quite quickly