3 Weeks post treatment update

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  • 39 subscribers

Wow!! .. I cant tell you how much better i feel over last few days :0) .. It was such a differant story this time last week,i had really had enough of my nether regions and just about everything to be honest!! Emergency toilet sprints,continual sticky discharge front and back,insomnia,hot flushes and extremely emotional,good old menopause!!

My butt feels better than it has since April,thats when my symptoms really started up,so much pain and that awful heavy feeling.

Im not taking any painkillers,diarrhea has gone .. Going a few times a day and bm look slightly bigger yayy!! Even the lump/mass i could feel in the way of my bowel movements up there,seems to have almost gone.I still have the yuk sticky discharge,but nothing like as bad as it was.

Im back to short walks with the pooch,and even braved Tescos yesterday!! .. My emotions are in a better place and that probably comes with sleeping better now and also i had a good chat with an absolutely lovely Macmillan counsellor yesterday.

The only thing that drives me nuts is what feels like a massive(probably isnt but im not looking!! lol)skin tag? Gets extremely itchy and aggravated after bm .. Trying a few differant creams to try and get on top of that .. I wonder if they diissappear on their own or can they remove? Only appeared after my Colonoscopy .. Anyway thats a way down the line yet and staying focused on the more important thing and that is hopefully a good result and hearing the magic words "Your cancer free!'

I just wanted to share this with you all .. Our bodies are amazing at recovery .... There is light at the end of that hideous tunnel!!

Hope your all doing ok and sending love and good wishes to all Xxxxx

  • Hi ,

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading your post! It took me right back to the feelings I had when I felt I’d turned that corner a couple of weeks after completing treatment. You’re so right when you say our bodies are amazing at recovery,

    I think following a cancer diagnosis we lose trust in our bodies but when you experience the turnaround from feeling so, so dreadful to gaining a little control of your life back it really is a great feeling isn’t it?

    It really is posts like this that will offer hope & encouragement to those that are either at diagnosis or going through their treatment & are feeling that hopelessness that we’ve all felt at some point, thank you so much for sharing. 


  • Hi Ruby1969,

    Your post is a ray of hope! Thank you for giving those who are slightly behind you in treatment hope and positivity. I'm so happy you feel better, both mentally and physically. It does feel like I've lost myself right now, and I can't wait to lose this nausea and feel energized again. Your post is what we all need to hear.

    I don't think I've ever asked my doctors this, but when do you have your first checkup? 

    Keep feeling better each day, and congrats on being strong and getting through one of the toughest times of your life.

    All the best,


  • Oh Nikki it really is amazing and thankyou!! .. Only 5 months to wait for the complete results,if last 5 months are anything to go by it will fly!!

    Sharon x

  • Hi scary40 .. Awww im glad it helps!! It is a tough and scary time thats for sure,its a place ive never been and turns you inside out mentally and physically.Lost is definately a feeling i felt a lot of the time.

    I have a follow up appointment with Oncologist 4th January by phone,im guessing they will arrange scans etc int he next few months.Ive been told they wont know until 6 months the final result as radiotherapy carries on working mildly til then ... Im counting down the days until May!! 

    I wish you the very best Sarah,be strong but be kind to yourself,shes going through a lot .. You can do this!!!! 

    Sharon x

  • that’s great news! It really is remarkable how quickly our bodies heal after such trauma. At your next  appointment ask your doctor to have a look at your skin tag, I believe they’re usually easy to remove. Posts like this really do help others who are currently going through treatment or have yet to have treatment. I was so worried about treatment before I had it and wish I had known about this site earlier. X

  • Hi Ruby

    So good to hear this! I had a really bad day yesterday but this brought me back with realisation that it is time limited!! Today I’m feeling much better. I finish treatment next Weds so good to know how long before I’m likely to feel more normal again and can expect to get out and about more. 
    Thank you for posting the positives, keeps us coming up behind you better informed and hopeful..... 

    Ruth x 

  • Hi Ruby

    Hooe you’re continuing to do well! 

    A couple of questions..... did you feel worse after the treatment finished? I’ve been told I might feel more tired?? How long before improvements in the nether regions. I’ve only got 3 days of treatment to go but now very sore with everything you’ve said. Did the sores start to heal straight away or did they get worse before getting better??? Hope that makes sense.....?? Just want to know what to expect......

    Ruth x

  • Hi Ruth,Yes I would say the two weeks after treatment was the worst,not so much tiredness tho,was more my groin was burnt and peeling,sore bottom from the discharge.I had urine infection which didn’t help!

    We are all different so please don’t be alarmed by my gory details!! .. I didn’t really use any creams as I found they irritated .. Just aqueous and plain old water,still am.. I’m so longing for a bubble bath!! Lol

    i am now 4 weeks along and this past week have had insomnia and still don’t feel tired ridiculously?!

    Only thing I’m struggling with still is a very itch bottom at times.

    how far along are you now? .. How are you feeling? 
    Sharon x