Update .. 4 days Post treatment!!

  • 9 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Morning all!! .. So I’ve finished treatment 4 days ago,was managing ok,skin in groin just starting to peel,still only using Aqueous on that,bits of of bottom and vagina sore.Peeing just got a whole lot worse so started taking Oramorph last night,I know you can’t take Cocodamol with it but but can I take Ibuprofen as well?.. Pooping is tricky,prickly and can still feel ‘The lump’ like it wants to exit and goes back up again,never sure if i need that laxative or not.Still getting the sticky discharge .... I know I’ve got to just go with it but god it’s exhausting.Will I ever have a semi normal life again and of course always the worry the the treatment won’t work .. Sorry for the essay and gory details .. Hope your all trooping on ok Xxx

  • congratulations on finishing treatment! I’m not sure if you can use ibuprofen as well as Oramorph, a quick call to a pharmacist would confirm. The lump will take some time to go, the radiotherapy keeps on working it’s magic after treatment. Don’t worry if it hasn’t totally disappeared at your first scan, there’s been quite a few on here that this has happened to and then it has gone on the next scan. The treatment has a very high success rate which is reassuring but I know you won’t feel reassured until you have those scan results. Yes, you most certainly will have a normal life again it just takes some time. I found I was very tired after treatment so make sure you take plenty of time to rest and look after yourself xx

  • Hi Ruby.  I'm 12 years post treatment and feeling fine!  Post radiation late effects does affect me a bit but there's advice and support  from PRDA.org if you feel up to looking them up.  I wish I had known what I know now when I finished!

    1in1500 has already said just rest as often as you need to - the dizzy feeling of fatigue will wear off in the next few months. 

    I switched from aqueous to emulsifying cream, that you can buy in a big tub from Boots or other chemists.  It dissolves in warm water so you can wash the area with it and also plaster it on after you have dried yourself.  It helped me heal very quickly and kept the skin soft and soothed.  It's free of any chemicals so very good for your burns.

    I went to work half days 6 months after my chemoradiotherapy finished and just got better and better, until I went full time after a year.

    You have a great future ahead of you - well done for getting through it.


  • I forgot to say, if you smear the emulsifier around your vulva before you pee, it stops a lot of the pain.

  •   Thankyou for your reply 1in500 Yes i asked pharmacist and its fine to take Ibuprofen alongside Oramorph yayyy!!

    Im praying so much it will work .. Going to be a long 6 months but if anything like last 6 it will fly by!!

  • Hi Plusfive .. So is Emulsifying cream differant to Aqueous? .. I got to day 6 and the pain from wee and the good old discharge,YUK ,was horrendous.Did a wee test and turned out to be infection so treated with 3 day antibiotic..I cant tell you how much better i feel and hope it lasts while i deal with the other things.

  • Yes its very pure and lovely and soothing.  It can be applied all over affected area, and easily washes off before your radiotherapy sessions.  I used it after a daily bath of warm water.  It's also very cheap-or should be.  They should have large tubs at Boots.

    People with bad eczema use it.  Glad you got antibiotics you don't need a UTI as well!!  It will go quickly although it doesn't seem like it when youre dealing with the side effects.  Keep going and keep positive.

  • Hi ,

    Huge congratulations on finishing your treatment, now for the healing… you’ve had some great advice already, pleased you’ve got your UTI treated,  just wanted to add there’s going to be a whole lot of inflammation going on in there & the ibuprofen will definitely help with that, I couldn’t take the oramorph as it caused constipation as did any opiate based pain relief but I alternated the ibuprofen with paracetamol 2 hourly throughout those first couple of weeks post treatment then fairly soon I found I was needing less & less pain relief. Also take the opportunity to rest, rest, rest, your body will be using all of its energy right now to repair itself so you’ll probably feel absolutely sapped for a couple of weeks I did an awful lot of napping in those couple of weeks post treatment. Sending you lots of healing thoughts for your recovery. 


  • Hi Ruby

    so pleased you have finished your treatment. I’m a bit behind you with 8 treatment days left so interested to hear how things are for you. Keep the updates coming. I’m now becoming sorer and preparing for my post treatment joys over Christmas and New Year! I’m trying Mucosamin rectal gel and hope that will aid internal healing. Look it up. There’s a vaginal cream too which I have just ordered and will try after treatment finishes. 
    As I say keep the updates coming please and fingers crossed everything improves and back to normal ASAP!! X 

  • Hi Bottom

    Not long to go now and well done you!! .. Thankyou i will look those up, tho i cant say many creams etc helped me,seemed to make it worse so i just stuck with plain water and Aqueous cream.

    Im thinking the next step for me now will be the dreaded dillators .. Eeeek ive no idea whats going on up the front bottom .. Think i will put it off for now ;0)

    Roll on the next 8 days and you can get on with recovery!! Xx