Bowel problems

  • 2 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I had treatment last September / October  and have made reasonably good recovery since then with a few bumpy bits.  I'm having real trouble with my bowels ,  loose stools alternating with constipation.  I can cope better with the loose stools than the constipation.  It comes on suddenly _ almost overnight.    I feel like when it happens I'm being cut down there as it comes out    it's like a train coming through a tiny tunnel _ very difficult. I think I'm getting cut or torn,  afterwards all stools are excruciating  for about two weeks.   When I've the loose stools I dont take duphalac  and the constipation comes on so quick that I'm not taking it on time.  Anyone any suggestions?    Any way to deal with the pain or cope better with this?  It's only been going on the last 3 months


  • Hi there, I totally get what you mean when you're going to the toilet whilst constipated. It doesn't happen much to me but when it does I am always amazed there's not lots of blood. Have you noticed a pattern in terms of what you are eating? If not it may be worth keeping a food diary. I suspect this could be diet related.  If I have too much caffeine I always end up paying for it with diarrhoea but then sometimes I have diarrhoea and I'm unsure what's caused it. In terms of pain, try to avoid ibuprofen as it can constipate you. Paracetamol may be better. Also, try soothing salt baths each day. Also, you could maybe give your colorectal nurse a call to see if they have any suggestions. x

  • Hi Crooked Teeth,

    It’s funny I should read this today. I am 2 yrs 5 months post treatment, and what you’re describing certainly gets less and less. I experienced the same as you. I have even had to cancel hospital appointments, because I was having a ‘bum run’. My oncologist recommended loperamide, which really helps on the ‘runny’ days, but not so good with the constipation. I recall passing a ‘normal’ stool, & feeling very proud! I wanted to show my husband the reason for my elation, but thought he may not feel the same.

    Today, & twice last week, I have had bum runs. So even now, they trouble me, they are coupled with low abdominal aches. It has been months since the last time, so It does get better! My scans etc have all been clear, so I  guess this is one of the prices we pay for our life! I think it’s worth it. You are still in very early days, you will get so much better. Believe me! 

    All the best,


    Lady Tourelle