Longer term effects

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  • 41 subscribers


I hope no one minds but I just need some reassurance again! Seems every so often my anxiety kicks in and I come on here for some support.

So I'm 14 months post treatment and up until just recently things had been going pretty well. I've had days in the last few months where I've barely thought about how my bottom feels and what I've been through. But then out of the blue I seem to go through stages where things just start hurting again, not really following any sort of pattern. This week it's been a bit uncomfortable to sit again and now by bottom is itching like crazy. This just sends me into panic as it feels like before treatment. I had a DRE about 4 weeks ago and my year scan, so I keep trying to tell myself it's all fine, but my stupid mind just goes into overdrive! 

I think I feel like things should be improving, and I worry so much when things just don't feel right again and maybe that I've lost trust in knowing my body. I suppose it's about knowing what my new normal should be like.

Any thoughts really appreciated!!!

Deb x 

  • Hi Deb

    I feel like you're reading my mind!!! I'm 15 months post treatment and for the past 3 or 4 months have been really struggling with hellish stomach cramps , fatigue, itchiness, soreness. I had my checkup a couple weeks ago and all "felt fine" although she knows I've been concerned and has put me forward for a contrast dye CT scan which is happening on 25th (my last scan was at 1 year check) I also had a day where the toilet was completely full of blood and I had a major panic attack about it! I saw my own GP within an hour and he prescribed anusol suppositories and it has only been that one time it happened, fingers crossed!

    I know deep down everything will be ok with scan but your head goes into total overdrive doesn't it. It's keeping me awake and I seem to have a constant sore head thinking about it.

    So I can't offer anything else but to say you're not alone in the worry etc Xx

  • Hi  & ,

    I'm 2 years & 4 months post treatment & still from time to time get the symptoms that you’re describing. It’s really difficult not to let your mind wander to the worst possible scenario isn’t it? These episodes for me do get fewer & further between but my anxiety still sometimes gets the better of me when it happens! I still get odd bouts of bleeding, usually following a difficult bowel movement, then that seems to spark things off for a few days or sometimes even a few weeks, triggering what feels like internal inflammation, itching & intermittent bleeding when going to the loo. I always make both my oncologist & surgeon aware of these episodes but neither seem overly concerned as my scans & physical examinations seem ok. 


  • Wow.  Thx for posting this!!! I'm 9 months post treatment.  About 3 weeks ago I had a vomiting episode during bowel movement.  Just like before diagnosis!!! Scared me to death.  Called onco and she ordered ct scan.  Said all looked good.  But boy do I understand!! I guess we'll always be on high alert. Seems to be inevitable. Thx again for bringing this up. 

  • Hi All, I’m having the same thing too at the moment, no reason for it but am quite sore again and had a bit of blood. This seems to be a pattern. Everything settles for a while then soreness, itching and I’m sent into a tailspin again. Keep trying to remind myself that this has happened before and things then settle but it’s a worry. I’m back for a DRE in about 3 weeks so will mention it then. I also have days where I have diarrhoea 3-4 times but these are few and far between now. Also have the lovely mucous which makes me sore. I think this is all part of what is ‘ normal’ after radiation but it still needs flagging up with our Oncologists to be on the safe side. X

  • Hello Nikki,

    Good to read all this, not for you, but for me. I am presently going through some bad ‘bum runs’ with low stomach aches, bottom feeling full & swings between constipation & the cat like usual ‘droppings’! I pooped my pants a couple of times, as I didn’t get to the loo in time. I have my check up this week, but I know it’s all normal. Just goes to prove life is shitty at times, but it happens less and less frequently. 

    Hope you are well.


    Lady Tourelle

  • Hi to everyone, Nice to hear from Lady Tourelle again!

    I found the recent messages about post treatment issues very interesting.   I had my treatment over 3 years ago and all my scans and examinations have been  fine.   I am now on to appointments and 'bottom checks' only.   My last appointment was in September when I had a telephone call.  I told the Consultant I felt really well and had no problems so I will be seen in March next year unless I have any problems .

    After treatment it  took some time for my bowels to settle and I was only just feeling confident to go anywhere strange where I didn't know about the availability of toilets when we had the first lockdown .    Perhaps this helped to improve my mind as I seemed to forget about my 'obsession'  being at home so much!

    However I can go for a few weeks feeling 'normal' then out of the blue I go a lot making me feel very sore, then have a day not going and being sore again.   After these sessions I feel fine again.

    I have mentioned this on several hospital visits but no one seems to see any cause for concern .    I take care to eat the right foods, use Epsom salts in a bidet bath and lots of Sudocrem!!

    I don't have a support nurse as I see the colorectal team at a different hospital from the radiotherapy one.   I have a lovely Consultant who said I could phone him any time but that's not something I want to do unless I feel it is urgent.

    It's good to know I'm not alone in this.   I am very grateful for everything that has been done for me and would be happy to share anything with anyone else experiencing this.

    Take care you lovely people


  • Hi  & ,

    Good to hear from you both. Although  uncomfortable & a bit annoying it’s also reassuring for us & for members just starting out on treatment or those that have just completed treatment that these episodes aren’t out of the ordinary. I agree with the ‘self-care’ of salt baths, sudocrem & recognising any food triggers for these flares. They literally are a pain in the bum though aren’t they? (forgive the seriously bad pun!) 

    , no matter how much we tell ourselves this is just the way things are now I think we all descend into the tailspin you speak of from time to time, I think this is just a consequence of receiving a cancer diagnosis isn’t it? 


  • Thank you all so much for your replies. I know it's not nice for any of us, but my goodness it does help to hear your experiences!!

    Thank you so much, I don't know where I'd be without this group.

    Deb xx

  • Hi Nicola, I agree, I think we are all more hyper vigilant about things after a cancer diagnosis. So glad we have this group to compare notes! X

  • Thank you all for posting!  I wonder what food trigger you've noticed?  I know everyone is different but curious.  I hit one year in 2021 and I'm still figuring it out.  Unfortunately, I'm a stress eater so usually just suffer the consequences but I do need to get better.  I know coffee has an effect so I've switched to tea.  Loved my coffee!

    Also, just curious what date everyone goes by for their NIE date?  The scan date?  I think the dates swirl in my head.  Diagnosis date, first date of treatment, last date of treament...  I was looking up health insurance in Spain as my husband and I bought a house to retire and most insurance companies want 10 years cancer free.  I think that's common though as my GP agreed.

    Sorry for the tangents...keep positive everybody!!  I just remind myself that I'm SO thankful for the body I do have.

    Best to all,
