Bladder issues

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  • 37 subscribers

Hi, just wondering if anyone has experienced bladder issues following treatment. I had been ok up until recently and now I keep getting what feels like cystitis. Like the pain you get with a really full bladder, but when it's not full. I've had some antibiotics that helped temporarily. My consultant asked at the last appointment if I had any issues with my bladder and I didn't at the time so havent discussed it with anyone as yet. I had to cut out caffeine several years back, way before treatment so I know that area is already susceptible to these issues.

Just looking to see if anyone has experienced this as a side effect? I'm feeling like I need to do something as cant keep going on antibiotics.

Deb x 

  • Hi @Debh1,

    I've had a couple of times when I’ve experienced cystitis type symptoms since my treatment but they’ve felt like the radiation cystitis I suffered in the first couple of weeks of my radiotherapy rather than actual cystitis if that makes any sense. I’ve never sought treatment for it though as it’s only lasted a day or so then cleared on its own accord & I’ve just put it down to a touch of inflammation. I do find I get more urgency to pee now than I did before & when I need to go I have to go if you know what I mean, I figured it’s probably a bit of stenosis following radiotherapy or maybe weakening of my pelvic floor muscles (or that may just be an age thing!! lol).

    If you’ve been susceptible to bladder infections, cystitis prior to your diagnosis you’ll know what you’re dealing with & you’ll know when medical help is needed but a couple of natural things that may help are the obvious one is drinking lots of water but unsweetened cranberry juice or either a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a pint of warm water, these apparently all change the pH in the bladder etc., a good quality probiotic is always beneficial too to get all those good bacteria thriving in your gut, especially now during this pandemic, when keeping your immune system in tip top condition is even more important. 

    If you can’t speak with your consultant I would maybe be having a chat with your GP to see if there’s anything else you can be doing to manage this to avoid having to regularly use antibiotics. 

    I hope you get some relief soon. 
