Pelvic Insufficiency Fractures

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  • 39 subscribers

Hi. I had some fantastic news on Friday. My three month scans are all clear. I began with surgery in March, diagnosis T1N0M0 in May, treatment May-July and a clear scan in October, what a busy 7 months it's been and all during a covid pandemic. The NHS staff and services have been there for me throughout and it's been a really positive experience. However, as a result of the radiation I have some pelvic stress fractures, I'm talking with my medical support team this week about treatment for them. Has anybody else on this forum had a similar experience with Pelvic Insuffiency Fractures (PIF's)?.I've read a short article on this Macmillan website about them.

Thanks. Bev x

  • Hi ,

    What excellent news for you to receive, congratulations, especially as you’ve said it’s all taken place during the height of the pandemic! It’s good to hear something positive as we’ve heard of so many instances where diagnosis or treatments have been delayed etc., throughout these troubling times. 

    Unfortunately I know very little of Pelvic Insufficiency Fractures other than my oncologist told me prior to treatment that small fractures could occur in the coccyx etc., due to the radiotherapy, he didn’t go into what treatment would be should this happen so I can’t be of much help I’m afraid! My surgeon took a look on my 12 month scans last year as I have a lot of hip pain but he said he could only see general wear & tear which I suspected as I have osteoarthritis in some other joints & I think the radiotherapy may have just accelerated things in my lower back/hips. I also developed what my GP has said is sciatica, which I’ve never suffered from before, but understand that the pelvic radiotherapy can also cause nerve damage! It really is the gift that keeps on giving isn’t it? From the little reading I’ve done on all of these side effects the general consensus on treatment seems to be physiotherapy to strengthen muscles for support, have you been given any idea what treatment will be for you specifically? Hopefully if someone’s had a similar experience they’ll see this & can offer some better advice. 

    Congratulations once again on your fantastic results. 


  • Hi, I don’t have any experience either with stress fractures but just wanted to say congratulations on your fantastic news x

  • Hi 1 in 1500.

    Thanks for your good wishes. It's such an uplifting outcome, I couldn't be happier. Bev

  • Hi Nikki 65.

    Thankyou for your ongoing support and kind words. I'm in a happy place, albeit a few niggles to address. I have a bone density scan booked and I'm hoping that things will resolve with calcium and vitamin D supplements. I'll report in when I know more.Bev

  • Hi ,

    It’s so good to hear you’re in such a good place. I think possibly none of us return to exactly the same place physically as we were prior to treatment but these niggles we deal with, although we would choose not to have them, are a small price to pay aren’t they? considering the possible alternative! Hopefully a boost of calcium and vitamin D will do the trick for you. Good luck with the bone density scan & yes keep us updated. 


  • Hi. The radiation seems to have caused my rheumatoid arthritis to flare in my right hip area. It has caused tearing of the tendons and is very painful.

    I also have pain in my coccyx, like you and 2 years on it has improved slightly 

    I cannot have steroid injections into the tendons because of Covid-19, so they dont know how to treat it.  It does get me down

  • Hi ,

    I’m sorry you seem to be suffering these side effects of radiotherapy also. I have cortisone injections to my feet due to osteoarthritis under sedation in hospital & was added to the waiting list again at the beginning of the year, then the pandemic happened! I’m pleased to say I was taken into hospital 2 weeks ago & given them under local anaesthetic as it was explained that no unnecessary anaesthetics are being given just now, still as a hospital day case & still in theatre, & I’m currently 90% pain free thankfully. If you’ve previously been told that this is an option for treatment I’d question if it’d be possible for you to go ahead. 


  • Hi Susie, I'm so sorry to hear that you still have discomfort, I'm sure it must get you down. Thankyou for responding to my question. I'.m currently waiting for my  bone density scan date so I'll let you know how I get on. Bev

  • Hi Nikki, I'm pleased that your steroid injection went ahead. I too had one in my right hip in 2015 and it was a huge success with instant and long lasting relief. I hope yours is too. Bev

  • Hi 

    I’m going to enquire soon about getting it in my hips also as I’ve got arthritis there too, I had a great response with my feet the 3 times I’ve had it done so if it worked as well with my hips I’d be over the moon! Good to hear yours was a success. 
