New lump

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  • 38 subscribers

I finished treatment end April had PET scan & MRI in July this showed still a small amount of cancer in nodes in groin but else where was ok. Last week I found a lump in my right groin, I had MRI Yesterday and PET scan today.. I also saw oncologist yesterday who examined me agreed there is a lump in groin but that the original tumour site is clear. I have also had a couple of weird rashes one on tummy and one on top of arm that look like small burns and little blisters. Oncologist said lump could be scar tissue, or cancer lump which could be removed or I might have to have nodes and rectum taken away and have a colonoscopy.  I dread to think if cancer has spread into further organs. Because that would be incredible.. has anyone else had anything like this. I’m so stressed. 

  • Hi SandyB47, I'm so sorry you're going through this, I'm not surprised you're stressed. The lymph node that is enlarged may not necessarily be related to the cancer. I had an enlarged lymph node in the groin before treatment. It was biopsied and was non-cancerous, they don't know why it was enlarged but it then reduced in size by itself. The lymph nodes can become enlarged due to infection. When I am stressed I get small patches of eczema and other itchy rashes and I am guessing that stress is the cause of your rashes. I think it's highly unlikely that the rashes are cancer related but do mention them to your Oncologist. Given that your scans in July found no spread of the cancer to other organs, then I would doubt that has happened. Please be reassured that even if the cancer has popped up in one of your right lymph nodes then this is treatable. The Oncologist has told you the worst case scenario, they do have to do that, just in case. Even if you do have to have a colostomy, which is by no means certain right now, then although it sounds very scary you would adjust in time to it. Please let us know how you get on with your results, I hope you won't have to wait long. x

  • Thank you for your kind & reassuring words I will let you know what happens. X

  • Hi 

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this right now! I know it will be difficult for you at the moment but try & draw comfort from the fact that your oncologist seems to be really on the ball & is doing all the necessary investigations to get on top of this issue as soon as it’s appeared. Hopefully your most recent scans will be reviewed just as quickly. Lymph nodes can become enlarged for many reasons, as your oncologist has mentioned it could be scaring from the radiotherapy but they can be prone to inflammation due to all kinds of things, I’m really hoping that this is the case for you & that it isn't anything more sinister… . Regarding the talk with your oncologist, it’s the nature of their job that they have to cover every eventuality, unfortunately including worst case scenarios & it’s completely natural that as the patient our minds take over & focuses on the very worst that it could possibly be, I’ll be the first to admit when I got my diagnosis I wondered if I’d see my 2 daughters next birthdays.… The way you’re feeling is completely natural it’s a stressful time for you & as 1in1500 has mentioned the rash could be stress related, also your treatment wasn’t that long ago where your immune system was completely wiped out by the chemo so this rash could be due to something that your body would normally be able to deal with but with depleted immunity it’s surfaced, I’d mention it to your Dr. Hopefully you’ll hear something soon & it’s good news for you.

    Sending you a big virtual hug. 


  • Thank you very much for your insight, I must admit I never look on the positive side because then it feels good if the results are good.. 

  • Hi Nicola 

    i have had a lymph node dissection on the 4th December I’m home now & go to hospital on Friday to have dressings changed & hopefully the drain removed. I won’t say it was easy but my surgeon & anesthetist were brilliant. I won’t know for a while if it’s worked but they seem to be pleased with results so far.  Onward & upward   Sandra 

  • Hi ,

    Thats good that you’ve had your surgery, I’m pleased it’s over for you & your surgeon seems hopeful that it’s been successful, it’s that waiting game that’s the difficult but isn’t it? Hope you manage to get the drain out tomorrow Fingers crossed I’ll be thinking of you.
