
  • 3 replies
  • 39 subscribers

I have anal cancer with recurrence on the vulvar finished treatment in March. I have had an excision and biopsy peri urethra since. Received a call telling me the excised was cancer and biopsy high grade vin 3. Nurse said they can't remove it and that doctors discussed implant and they will discuss it with me next week. What next? First diagnosis was 2 years ago and I don't feel as if I've had a break. Just don't know what to feel. Has anyone any experience of the implant? 

  • Hi 

    I’m sorry you’re going through this right now. The way you are feeling is totally understandable. I’ve personally had no experience of the implant you’re speaking about, I’m not sure how it works or what it’s intended to do. Hopefully someone will see your post that has a bit of understanding of this procedure. 

    Hope your appointment next week goes well. 


  • Hi, I’ve just had a look at your profile and the other groups on this site. I think it may be an idea if you put your post on the vulvar cancer group as I can see some posts there relating to vulva and urethra cancer. X

  • Hi again ,

    I too have just read your profile & I agree you may have more success posting your question surrounding the implant etc., on the Vulva cancer forum you may find other members there that have had similar experiences as your own. Just click on the link I’ve posted & it’ll take you straight there & just join the group & start a discussion the same way you did with this group. Good luck I hope you find some answers.
