Waiting on appointment

  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi everyone not been on for a while and hope everyone is fine.

Back in late summer 2017 I started suffering from what at the time I thought was piles. With some nagging from the other half I went to see my GP. He didn’t say at the time what he thought it was but said he would refer me to the hospital the appointment came in for the 1st November 2017 straight away after the doctor examined me she suspected it was cancer to cut a long story short my treatment started in the April 2018 last treatment on the 17th May 2018, and wasn’t I glad though did end up in hospital the very next day with pneumonia. I was told that I would have monthly check-ups for at least 6 months the June check-up was good. July check-up I saw a different doctor one who I hadn’t seen before, she examined me and was happy said I will see you in 3 months before I could say anything my partner said I thought it was to be monthly for 6 months she said well I will have to ask the consultant she left the room my partner and I had words as I thought she shouldn’t have said anything lol. The doctor returned saying that yes they would see me again in August. The August appointment didn’t go so well there was a suspect area which I feel and my partner said she could see. They referred me back to the surgeon who I saw within a week to tell you the truth I was told to go to his secretary office in the hospital she called him on the phone to tell him I was there he came in his scrubs he was in theatre he handed me a form to go to pre-assessment in the hospital and said you are in first thing Monday morning. The longest bit was waiting on the results as I sure you are all a where of is very stressful. I received a call from his secretary with appointment date in total I waited 3 weeks. As they suspected the cancer had returned within 3 months of finishing treatment, but he was happy that he had removed all of the cancer and was hopeful it wouldn’t return. That was back in October 2018.From then I have suspect areas removed every 6 months the results have been AIN3.

My last op was 2 weeks before lock down with the result AIN3  my worry now is my hospital have not started seeing patience, my partner has rang a few times they said that they are hoping to start soon. The hospital I go to here in Northern Ireland for my surgery has an outbreak of coved. His secretary has said she spoke to him and he will see me ASAP but when. My worry is the area of concern is bigger I have more symptoms that I ever had. Sorry this has been so long but wanted to know if anyone else is waiting on this length for check-up referrals    

  • Hi, do you have a colo-rectal nurse at the hospital you could call about this? Failing this, your hospital should have a Patient Liason Service (PALS) who can be very helpful in assisting with getting answers. You need a time frame for when you will be seen. It's not acceptable to be told you'll be asap but not told when. 

  • Hi , 

    It’s good to hear from you but I’m really sorry you’re still experiencing ongoing issues!… I know we’re living in strange times at the moment but don’t be afraid to make a complete nuisance of yourself, keep on at the hospital, GP, anyone that will listen until you’re seen & given the treatment you require to stop this advancing any further! I was told by my surgeon back in June that they’re using services in private hospitals nearby to me as they’re ‘clean’ & the possibility was that I’d be getting my surveillance scans done there if services in my usual hospital hadn’t picked up. With everything that’s gone on since March if you don’t make yourself heard you may be at the bottom of a very large pile. I agree with 1in1500 in regards to speaking with your specialist nurse if you have one. Hope you get some news soon. 
