Now have nodes on lung

  • 31 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi everyone, I finished my chemo radiation treatment in March. I had scan August which shows ned in anus but nodes on both lungs which have increased in size and “are suspicious for metastatic deposits s “ !  I am sort of staying positive but would be interested to know if anyone else has experienced this, any advice or information gratefully received xx

  • Hi,sorry to hear this news. I think some members of this group have experienced this and I understand they were offered some sort of chemo I am unsure as to the actual type. I hope someone can offer advice as soon as possible x

  • Hi , 

    I'm sorry that you’ve had this news. As  has said there are a couple of members that I know of that have had a full response to the chemoradiotherapy for their AC only to find it’s popped up somewhere else (predominately lung or liver if I recall correctly) Hopefully one of these members will see your post & respond soon. Thinking of you. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thank you both for your replies, hopefully someone will get back to me. I am stressing somewhat but trying very hard not to show that to my family who worry about me all the time. I am waiting nowPray tone1 further tests and lung biopsy which is also quite scary! Hey ho Pray tone1Pray tone1

  • It's awful waiting for test results etc. I hope your biopsy and treatment plan will be sorted out soon,. Once there's a plan in place and you have a start date for treatment this will hopefully make you feel slightly better. I know you don't want to worry your family but you do need someone to offload to. You can always do that here of course. xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Hi 1in500 yes the not knowing is hard! I live with my daughter and grandchildren who are all incredibly supportive and went through hell when I had the treatment for the anal cancer. I reacted quite badly  to the chemo which frightened the life out of them, made worse by the fact that I had always been very strong, fit and healthy. I don’t want them to worry until we find out what we are dealing with as I love them dearly and want them to be happy so I try not to say to much about it. Thank you very much for your support.  Pray tone1

  • Hi

    I haven't posted on this forum for some time but saw your post.  I was NED in January and then told a couple of months later that I had tumours in lungs, liver and pancreatic lymph node.  Just had 6 cycles of chemo over 18 weeks (different to first time round as drip every 21 days rather than tablets) nether region still NED and lungs/lymph node now appear clear so having Pet scan on Wednesday this week to confirm position and decide next steps.  If you want feel free to pm me.


    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Thank you Deb1E found your reply very reassuring, the chemo does bother me slightly having reacted so badly before but that was by drip 24hrs for 5days. But again I may be worrying unnecessarily as I haven’t had lung biopsy yet! I hope all goes well for your PET scan, would love to pm you but haven’t a clue how to!

    Take care Toni x

  • Hi Toni, to pm , if you’re using a mobile, click on the downwards arrow at the top right of your screen. This will highlight icons at the top of your screen. Click the one like a speech bubble and you will then be able to send a message. Deb1E, good to hear the chemo has seemingly been positive and everything crossed for the PET scan. I have thought of you often since your diagnosis x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Thanks 1in500, complete technophobe me, did click on bubble but still not sure, have enough trouble doing this to be honest lol. Deb1E hope all ok today! I‘m off for Covid test before EUA on Saturday then lung function tests next week xx

  • HI

    Thank you.  Had PET scan - other than now being temporarily radioactive it was actually quite relaxing.  Results next week x

    Carpe Diem