2 weeks post treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all. I'm now 18 days post treatment. It's fair to say, it's been a journey of discovery. My lady bits and skin in that area have all healed nicely. However, it seems to be taking longer than I imagined (I think I'm just impatient) for my bowels and anal canal to recover. I still have discomfort (but no where near as bad as 2 wks ago) when I open my bowels. I had a bout of diarrhoea and it seems to have triggered an external hemerroid too. I'm now taking half sachet a day of movicol stool softener to reduce and further stress to my anal canal walls. Given the experience of members on this forum, how long does it take for the anal canal to 'feel right' ? I have a feeling of fulness in my anal canal but not enough to warrant a toilet stop. I also have the weirdest sensations going on, tingly, crawly, fizzy, has anybody else experienced this. I had a post treatment check booked for 2 wks time, I've asked the hospital to push it back a wk as it feels too early for anybody to be rummaging ging around in there. Overall, I'm in a good place so just looking for some reassurances. Thanks. Bevx

  • Hi

    You seem to be doing incredibly well. I think we’re all guilty of being a bit impatient where recovery is concerned following the end of treatment. I can only speak from my own experience but I found the internal healing took quite a bit longer than the external healing. I seemed to suffer bouts of what I can only describe as inflammation I wonder if this is the case with you & what’s giving you the feeling of ‘fullness’ & yes I had the ‘crawly’ feeling too!! I think that is possibly the nerve endings coming back to life following the radiotherapy as that area is packed with nerve endings, but it is the weirdest of feelings isn’t it? Try a piriton tablet if it gets annoying that may help. I never had issues with diarrhoea but always had & still do get some urgency first thing in the morning I also still take a softener (Movicol) each day. Even 2 years on I still get the odd occasion where I feel a bit tender internally but I’ve been assured by both my surgeon & oncologist that this is normal so although I mention it at each appointment I try very hard not to worry too much. 

    Good luck with your continued recovery. 


  • Hi Bev, I was impatient with my recovery too, I just wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible. However, we have had a massive dose of radiation and it does continue to work for quite some time after treatment ends. My internal healing took quite a while. Even now, almost a year on, I get bouts of soreness and itching although I’m much improved. I also have diarrhoea every now and again although I’m sure this is diet related. X