Long term Side Effects

  • 6 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi  All,
Been a while since i last posted and i have been clear of cancer for some 2 1/2 years now.
As I was diagnosed early and was part of the trial I had a less harsh treatment..
Over the last 18 months i have had problems with very bad wind  and pain in my abdomen. I was referred to the specialist  who deals with Long term Side Effects of pelvic radiation and had several tests which diagnosed a Fructose Intolerance which i understand is quite common after the radiation..Still trying to get to grips with what i can and can't tolerate and I am not complaining as its a small price to pay for my life!!
I have tried several things to help with the wind but they are not very successful. I have been told that Charcoal tablets are another remedy..
Has anyone had experience with these.. 
Thanks in advance


  • Hi , 

    It’s good to hear from you, although I’m sorry you’ve got some ongoing issues. Radiotherapy really is the gift that keeps on giving isn’t it lol, but like you I’m extremely grateful it’s saved my life.… Having spoken to people that have had our treatment quite a few have come out of this with intolerances, especially sugars & fructose falls into that group. I no longer do well with sugar along with a couple of other things, I don’t do well with cows dairy either & unfortunately recently I’ve had issues with coffee, I’m mortified as I love a good cup of coffee! Have you considered peppermint oil? I always try & go down the natural route before resorting to meds, I always keep peppermint tea in too & find a cup or two is often enough to ease tummy issues. I would also give the charcoal a whirl as I’ve heard it’s good also.


  • Hi Sue, I’m almost a year post treatment I had the five and a half weeks chemo radiotherapy. I’m generally ok with what I can eat but too much caffeine makes me have diarrhoea. Last night I ate two oranges. Big mistake. My stomach massively swelled and I had terrible wind. I took activated charcoal and it eased the wind. I find charcoal tablets are the best thing but make sure you get the activated charcoal tablets they’re much more effective. The charcoal absorbs the gas. Don’t take them an hour either side of taking any medication though as the medication may not absorb properly. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi NIchola,
    Its funny that i always had a problem with Lactose before treatment, but after several tests it seems its now Fructose..
    Oddly both are sugars.It does cause me  problems..
    When first diagnosed with IBS i was prescribed Colpermin which is a peppermint oil capsule.. I never got on with it.
     My problem is more at night , when i wake up with the uncomfortable painful, windy tummy,  so I do drink Peppermint tea  when i get up and it does help..
    I have ordered myself some of the activated Charcoal, hopefully it will help

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Hi 1in1500,

    I have ordered some activated charcoal tabs.. I am hoping they will help
    i will do as you suggest and be careful when i take them.

    its always helpful to have opinions of people who have experience of using things first,,


  • Hi All

    I am a year post treatment and have been suffering horrendous stomach cramps and days where I am running to toilet 5 or 6 times. I was at my 12 weekly checkup last week and when she did her "finger exam" said she could feel I had soft stool there (how when I'm going 5 times a day is beyond me!)

    She didn't think it was anything to be worried about but has suggested I keep a food diary and see if we can pin point a reaction to something and I've to go back in a month rather than 3.

    Reading this I now wonder if it is definitely something I am consuming. Brain just goes into overdrive doesn't it! 


  • The radiation definitely does change your bowels. It is worrying when things happen like a change in bowel habit, in your case going a lot but hopefully it’s your diet. I have times where I’m constipated and then the next day I’ve gone a few times.  It’s annoying but does seem to be diet related x