Small lump!

  • 7 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all, I finished chemo/radiotherapy on 4th of March and had mri and ct scans in May which came back clear! Not long after I had extreme itching and used instillagel, just inside my anus I noticed small lump about the size of a small pea (petit pois Blush). I am waiting for an appointment to go in  for EUA which was already being arranged before I found this but am quite on edge about this. Has anyone else experienced this? Tia Pray tone1

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly congratulations on completing your treatment & on your clear scan results. Were you given any explanation as to why your Dr wanted to do the EUA? A lot of oncology/surgical teams work differently so it may just be the way that they do things. I haven’t experienced your particular issue myself but my surgeon & oncologist have always made clear that if I have any excessive bleeding or notice any new lumps or bumps around that area or in my groin/tummy etc., then I should get in touch straight away, therefore my advice would be to give your oncologist, surgeon or specialist nurse a call & voice your concerns, a quick phone call may save you a lot of stress if this turns out to be nothing to worry about. Non COVID hospital services are beginning to resume now so I’m sure it won’t be an issue to get a quick check-up if only to put your mind to rest. 

    I hope you get some reassurance soon. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi Nicola thank you for your reply. EUA was asked for along with scans on follow-up appointment, doctor said it was purely routine. Spoke to my oncology nurse re lump and she advised seeing GP who didn’t have a clue what it was and contacted hospital. Was called up to see surgeon last week who did rectal exam and said he would bring me in to do EUA and biopsy!


  • Hi, I’m to have a EUA next week. I’ve had some minor bleeding on/off with soreness/itching. It’s actually been much better this last couple of weeks. I also have scar tissue at the site of where the tumour was. My Oncologist feels it is all normal after effects of treatment but wants to double check the scarring. They have a really good look around whilst you’re under and take any biopsies of scar tissue/ lumps as appropriate. I am told you have an enema before the op, you’re in your own room with a bathroom so no risk of accidents in the waiting room. It sounds like I will probably have mine done before you do will let you know how it goes. I also need a Covid test 48 hours before the op x

  • Hi again , 

    I see, well best to be safe & it sounds as though your surgeon is on the ball, hopefully it’ll be done soon & you’ll get positive news & you can get on with your healing. 


  • Hi ,

    Just to wish you good luck with your EUA. If it’s any comfort I’ve suffered similar symptoms to yourself & it’s only now 2 years on that the bleeding has stopped occurring so often, I haven’t had it happen for a while now. I used to get it if I struggled to go to the loo at all, I’ve also got some anal stenosis which both my surgeon & oncologist have both said is only to be expected with this treatment so that alongside the delicacy of the ‘new skin’ can cause bleeding but as I said to it’s good that you’re getting checked out. I had an enema before my biopsy op before my diagnosis & it wasn’t half as bad as I expected, I was taken into a room with bed & an en-suite & given the enema then left until nature took its course so to speak! Got everything crossed for you, hope it goes well & keep us updated. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Thank you so much for reply, yes surgeon did examine me and felt lump said it may be small ulcer. Not sure when they are going to bring me in and the Covid stuff does seem to be holding things up. I get the itching intermittently but no bleeding so far. It’s all a bit worrisome but I keep busy. Please do let me know how yours goes and hopefully all will be well x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Hi did you have EUA? How did it go? Still waiting for mine and alternate between not thinking about it and stressing. Hope you’re ok
