Day 18 of treatment

  • 9 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello friends. I thought that I'd share how this weeks treatment has been. Firstly, I'm feeling really happy with myself, it's already day 18 which feels like a huge milestone. I'm going to count down now and not up, so just 10 treatment days left. I've learnt to really enjoy my weekends, it's s so wonderful not having to eat and take meds at set times and of course, having a break from the 3 hour round trip to hospital every day for Radiotherapy. I think that I relaxed a little too much as my water consumption dropped, that meant on Monday, my first radio.. of the week, my bladder wasn't full enough. So, note to self and anybody else, keep your water drinking up over the weekend. I had my weekly check up with my nurse and clinical oncologist, both say I'm doing really well which has given me a nice boost. My skin is good, it's discoloured, but not broken down. So more of the same with moisturising and time to look after myself. I can sense that my skin is changing, I get an occassional internal scratchy feeling when opening my bowels and had a tiny bit of external vaginal Itching, it settled quickly with no meds but the chemistry is clearly changing. My bowel continues to feel irritated, but only twice this week and loperamide continues to settle things quickly. So overall, I'm very happy with how treatment is progressing. I know that we all react differently to treatment, I continue to take a day at a time and keep an open mind about the days ahead. Sending my love to anybody else who is going through or about to start treatment. Bev x

  • Hi

    It’s great to hear you’re still doing so well. I remember that scratchy feeling & the itch sooo well!! Piriton was a lifesaver for me, it worked really well for me especially when things were fidgety during the night. I hope the rest of your treatment passes quickly & smoothly & then you can begin healing. Good luck. 


  • Don't forget lots of salt baths too. They really helped me.  That itching is awful. I also had the itching post-treatment but lately it has settled. I remember the weekend break well, no radio and no chemo tablets, wonderful! You're nearly there and more than halfway through. Well done ! x

  • Thanks 1 in 1500. Yes, I'm using my portable bidet about 3 times a day and have a bath every evening all with Epsom Salts. I  cream up after every soak and everytime I've used the bathroom, even if it's just for a wee, that way my skin is not getting any further contamination. I no longer use toilet tissue, just flannels and a hairdryer to dry. Is there anything that I've missed? I assume that I should keep this regime up until two weeks post treatment ending? Thanks for your words of advice. Bx

  • Hi Nicki65. Thanks for your positive words and Piriton shout out, I'll get some in. Yes, back on it tomorrow, not too long to go now. I'm beginning to think about what to expect once I've finished treatment. I have an end of treatment phonecall during my final week so I'll find out more then. I keep hearing on this forum that symptoms can peak in the two weeks post treatment. I trust that's referring to skin reaction or am I missing something? Bevx

  • Hi no I don’t think you’ve missed anything see how you do post treatment you may want to carry on moisturising for about 4 weeks after, I think I stopped about then x

  • Hi ,

    Everyone is a little different but I got to the end of treatment without too much discomfort (mine was 23 treatments opposed to the usual 28). I was sore back & front but my skin hadn’t broken down etc. Yes the ‘peak of symptoms’ most people refer to is generally the skin reaction from the radiation, my radiotherapy team pre-warned me at my last treatment that things would likely worsen before I begun healing, my symptoms eventually peaked around 11 days post treatment & things were very sore, I alternated paracetamol & ibuprofen 2 hourly for pain relief & I didn’t really do much for those 2 weeks. As soon as my skin reaction peaked though it was amazing how quickly things healed & I began regaining my strength back, again I was having lots of warm salt baths & using Flamazine cream which my oncologist prescribed as soon as my treatment had finished. 


  • Hi Nikki65. Thanks for your reply. Tomorrow is the start of my final week, 23 days completed and 5 to go. Last week went well, my oncologist said that my skin was still looking good although she said that there are teeny tiny signs of it beginning to break down. Loperamide has been my saviour on 3 days. Toileting is now straight into a water bidet to remove any stinging sensation and makes things more comfortable. I am beginning to experience pain after I've emptied my bowels and as the skin retracts. It only lasts 5 minutes but it's pretty excruciating. I thought that maybe paracetamol and/or Ibruprofen may kerp things at bay but I'm concerned about taking them while still on chemo as they could mask a temperature. I'll chat to the nurses tomorrow. If you or anybody has any useful tips in getting over this hurdle, it would be welcome. Otherwise, I'm good, albeit, strangely, a little emotional this weekend. The hospital are pleased with me/progress and I am too and I'm really looking forward to signing this week off. Bevx

  • Hi ,

    Thats fantastic news that you’ve got this far with no major issues. Yes the burning, stinging & pain after going to the loo I remember well! I couldn’t take any of the opiate based painkillers you’d normally be prescribed during treatment as they caused me awful constipation & going back to the burning & stinging you really don’t want to add in constipation lol, I was advised to alternate the paracetamol & ibuprofen 2 hourly when needed during treatment & for the 2 weeks after my treatment had finished, I was also prescribed lansoprazole as I was taking 400mg ibuprofen. I also found I was very emotional on my last day of treatment, I’d looked forward to that day so much but saying goodbye to my radiotherapy team & ringing the bell on leaving the department left me in tears! I suppose it’s a natural response as your life has revolved around this process & these people for weeks. Once again I’m so pleased you’re doing so well, not long now & you’ll be on the road back to good health. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Positivepeople

    Felt a bit tearful when my treatment finished.  Think because the routine had finished and I was on my own!  On the up side I was past the finish line and on to my new normal life!  Did sign out to the radiotherapy team with chocolates and a card saying "thank you from me and my bottom"!  Don't worry about taking paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain relief interfering with your temperature.  They are prescribed for your pain relief.  If there is a problem with your temperature they won't mask it.  Well done and here's to your new future and long life.  Mxx