New diagnosis

  • 3 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi, I’m new to all this, diagnosis 2 weeks ago. Hospital tomorrow for eua and hopefully some kind of plan going forward. Am feeling very lonely and really embarrassed. What I read on line doesn’t help at all x

  • Hi ,

    Firstly I’d like to welcome you to the online community although I’m so sorry you find yourself here. 

    The first bit of advice I’d like to give you is try not to google, a lot of the information there is outdated & you’re likely to frighten yourself to death!! 

    Please don’t feel embarrassed, although I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I didn’t say I also felt that way in the beginning. Hopefully your perception on this will change as time goes on. Although anal cancer is quite rare unfortunately case numbers are on the rise. Because it is still a lesser talked about cancer it’s good that you’ve found us & you’ll find many of us on here at different stages of our journeys, if you click on my username it’ll take you to my profile & you can read a little of my story there. I am 2 years out of treatment tomorrow & disease free to date. 

    We’re a friendly open minded bunch here so please if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask, don’t worry that it sounds embarrassing or too personal I can guarantee we’ve all asked that same question at some point. 

    I hope your EUA goes well tomorrow & keep posting, you’re not alone any more. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi Nicola
    So lovely to hear from you. Especially with positive outcomes. I’m just sitting in the hospital bed waiting for the feeling to come back ( had a spinal) and then I can go home. They want histology to be definite but I asked the consultant if he was a betting man what would he say and he confirmed anal cancer. Cry No further surgery straight to radiotherapy and chemo - let’s hope lock down doesn’t affect it too much. There’s an MDT meeting Wednesday and he’ll ring me with the plan after that.  

    I’m just so angry because the literature makes out we’ve had many partners and that’s not always the case. I’m angry with myself for being so nieve when I was younger and in a really abusive relationship. He almost ruined my life years ago, I turned it around and now he’s doing it againCry. Sorry for the rant x

  • Hi again ,

    Thats good that your EUA is over with. It sounds as though your Dr’s are on the ball & getting things moving. We have a couple of members that are active in the group that are about to start their treatment & one lady that’s almost half way through. 

    Yes some of the literature out there is very outdated as I said & yes some anal cancers are HPV driven but that doesn’t equate promiscuity. HPV can lay dormant in our bodies until our immunity is low then the virus thrives, you certainly don’t need lots of sexual partners to contract HPV. I hate the fact that this is the information that is out there as it can result in feelings of shame & embarrassment to an already stressful situation. Don’t worry about ranting here, this is a safe place & we have a lovely supportive group of people here & rest assured the feelings of anger are perfectly normal. 

    I’ll not overload you with information right now but please ask if there’s anything we can help you with. 
