1 year!

  • 1 reply
  • 38 subscribers

Hi guys, just wanted to check in and say tomorrow will be a year since I started my treatment, sometimes I think it's flown in and some days I feel like it was only yesterday. Suppose I'm feeling a bit emotional about it all today.

I hope everyone is keeping safe during these trying times and for anybody about to start/going through treatment right now I wish you all the best.

A big thanks to everyone on here who has provided me with helpful information throughout the past year and always being there and understanding what each of us are going through.

Love to you all C x

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly huge congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. I completely understand the whole time thing surrounding moving on from treatment etc. I feel exactly the same, I’m 2 years out of treatment next month & as you say sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago, I think this is probably because we strive to get some normality back to our lives once treatment is finished as quickly as possible & just get on with life but then on the flip side of that it’s so easy to subconsciously tap into all of those emotions that we had during diagnosis & treatment! It’s a strange one isn’t it? A cancer diagnosis is a life changing event for us all, at the very least it gives us a jolt to reassess our lives & sheds a little light on things we didn’t pay much attention to in the past & this in itself I think can have a huge emotional impact. Don’t forget though you’ve every right to be feeling these emotions & don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise all, I’ve actually had someone say to me ‘ah but you’re better now aren’t you!’ like I’d recovered from a cold! All I would say is one way or another try & let the emotions out whether that be taking time for contemplation, giving a big cheer/whoop/scream or having a damn good cry, I’ve done all these along the way & believe me it’s better out than in lol.

    Sending you a big virtual hug & many congratulations again on your continuing good health. 

    Nicola x