Anal itch

  • 15 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I had treatment for anal cancer in September/ October    it's been difficult as I have other health problems also     I feel now I am fairly strong but am worried sick as I've anal itch.  I've no other symptom but am worried this may be the return of anal cancer      I've used canesten. Nu gel and instilla gel which all work temporarily but then the itch comes back     could this symptom alone signal the return of cancer??   What else could I do to stop it?

My cancer was caused by HPV      Is there anything I can do to prevent this returning?



  • Hi, I finished treatment last August and despite my 3 month scan being clear I’ve been plagued by itching and soreness and I know from other posts on here this is very common post treatment. It’s difficult as the itching is a symptom of anal cancer but is also a symptom of the healing process post radiation. Don’t forget our anal canal and bowels have been frazzled by the treatment and everything is healing. My cancer was also caused by HPV. I had pre cancerous cells on my cervix 30 years ago caused by HPV. The HPV can reactivate decades later as mine did, if there’s a compromise to the immune system for eg menopause lowers your immunity or perhaps some other illness. Are you due a check up soon? This will hopefully put your mind at rest x

  • Sorry forgot to say my six month scan was also clear but I’ve still got ongoing itching and pain, most annoying! X

  • Ps I find salt baths using ordinary salt very relieving put loads in and have a good long soak. I do this every single day sometimes twice a day and after you’ve been to the toilet use tepid water in the showe. Sometimes you get mucus discharge which also itches so wash ten too. Keeping the ate clean really helps x

  • ‘Area’ clean. Bloody iPhone misspells thing! 

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly welcome to the online community, although I’m sorry that you find yourself here!

    As  has said although the itching is a common symptom of anal cancer it is also commonplace in the healing process. I found a combination of Epsom Salt baths, plenty of moisturiser & antihistamines managed this really well. I’m almost 2 years post treatment & where the new skin formed following my radiotherapy still gets itchy now & then. Again I echo what 1in1500 has said & if you’re overly concerned contact your oncology team or specialist nurse & ask if you can be checked out. 

    Hope that helps a little. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thanks so much for your replies, they certainly help.    I'm driven demented by the itch and nothing seems to work long term.   I've done the baths also and find them great.    I also have urgency of bowel movement   and sometimes constipation.  Between them all I feel I spend most of my time worrying about my rear end.  I've had a clear MRI and CT  but when I initially got anal cancer itch was my major symptom.   The HPV virus worries me hugely     I too had pre cancerous cells on my cervix years ago and I just wish there was a way to get rid of this virus  or try and stop it coming back

  • In relation to the HPV virus and stopping it coming back I think the best thing you can do is try to boost your immunity. I take high strength pro-biotics and zinc and vitamin D3 & try to eat as healthily as possible. I take comfort from the fact that my initial problems with the HPV virus were 30 years ago so if I can go another 30 years that’ll mean I’m 80 years old. Have u tried a piriton hay fever tablet at night? Others say this helps. You can buy them over the counter. Don’t drive with them though as they can make you drowsy x

  • Great point made , I too work on my immune system constantly, I try & keep my diet ‘clean’ so as little processed food or sugar as possible, I drink goats milk kefir every morning which in my opinion is one of the most effective probiotics out there, also like you I take vitamin D3, I take it with added K2 as this massively helps the body absorb the vitamin D (my wonderfully understanding GP’s advice).


  • Excuse me for interrupting but what is K2? I take vitamin D every day but have never heard of K2.


  • Hi

    From what my GP said K2 is an additional supplement that aids in the absorption of vitamin D, the vitamin D supplement I take is liquid form & the K2 is in with it. 
