Groin anxiety

  • 2 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi, people probably see my name and think here she goes again, the worry wort!!

I am struggling with my anxiety since lockdown and really trying hard to keep it in check. Its always things to do with health now that seem to completely freak me out.

So...when I had my phone consultation (I'm 8 months post treatment), the consultant asked me if my groin felt ok, which at the time it did. Ever since then I am finding myself worrying about it and convinced that the left side is feeling sore and uncomfortable. I've seen a few things lately (as you do when you become aware of something) about lymph node problems. 

If there was a problem, would there be lumps or pain? I think not having the reassurance of physically seeing my consultant this time round is sending my mind into overdrive!!

Any thoughts really appreciated!! 

Deb x 

  • Hi ,

    Please don’t ever think that way that is what this forum is all about. 

    I’m still seeing my oncologist (almost 2 yrs post treatment) as I’m involved in the Plato Trial & this dictates I’m reviewed by oncology throughout as well as by my surgeon & I can only speak from my own experiences but my oncologist always checks my groin for lumps. 

    If you’re overly concerned about things just give your Dr’s a ring I’m sure they’d be happy to check you out. I heard on the news that now they think we’ve ‘passed the peak’ of this pandemic that they’re going to try resuming some of the more urgent services which will include cancer services so hopefully we’ll be able to begin attending appointments etc., again soon. 

    I know I’m panicking a bit about my annual scans being cancelled (due June) as we all want that bit of reassurance don’t we? & I’m much further down the road than you so your anxiety is totally understandable. 


  • Hi Deb,  you mustn't worry about posting here with all worries/anxieties, that's what we're here for. I really do think you would be best to try to have a physical check to put your mind at rest otherwise this will continue to eat away at you. I know my hospital and GP are seeing patients under certain circumstances and I think they would see you. I have a friend who had an infection in her leg and she had a swollen lymph node in her groin but she told me it wasn't painful, just a swelling like a small marble + she could easily feel it. I would call you GP or colo-rectal nurse at the hospital and see if you can be seen x