Stay at home letter

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  • 39 subscribers

Has anyone received the letter saying to stay at home until the end of June?? I had a text then a letter saying with my condition!! [4 years ago] I am at high risk of serious illness if I catch coronavirus. 
I work in the NHS and on Monday am being deployed to do some admin in ICU. Im not sure I should be going now?? :-( 

  • Seems like there’s some scam letters and text messages going around be careful a friend received one saying stay in until end of June well 12 weeks from now is mid July ! Speak to dr s if yiu can in Monday as 4 weeks seems excessive aniuntbif time from when original letters  were sent .

    does the link say something like gov  .extremely vulnerable which is highly unlikely that the nhs would do that then out a phone  number I have asked someone  who works in  IT for nhs who said that 

    Hazel don’t ring the number 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi ,

    I haven’t received a letter, my treatment was 2 years ago next month.

    I would double check with your GP’s surgery as I think it’ll be highly unlikely that after 4 years you’d fall into the extremely vulnerable group unless you have other health issues aside. I queried with my eldest daughters GP only this week as she has a couple of different health issues & was basically told unless you have a chronic chest condition such as chronic asthma, COPD, heart disease etc., have recently been or are going through active treatment for cancer then you’ll not have received a shielding letter. Just to be on the safe side do check though as obviously I don’t know your medical history. 


  • Is all very real letter came addressed to me with my NHS no saying I have been identified as at risk the back of the letter has a list of serious risk people. Another text came today saying every member of the household has to use separate bathrooms bedrooms etc bit hard we only have 1 bathroom! 
    I’m fine never had any illness in my life just this episode!! 
    suppose I need to think about if I should go work in ICU in the acute hospital now or go back to my old job which is none existent at the moment ?? Xx

  • Hi again

    Strange, although I know all health authorities are a little different I just presumed this guidance came from the government & was passed onto our local health authorities. Could the text be because you’re going to be working in ICU & the advice is to distance yourself from family members in the same household?… I’d definitely give your GP surgery a call just to see if they can clarify things. 


  • Hi 1redhawk I also got the texts, I rang my GP surgery who initially said my notes didn’t indicate that I would be receiving the letter, I thought the whole thing was odd because I know people who are in active treatment hadn’t received anything. A few days later I received the letter, clicked through to the website and decided I didn’t meet the criteria for shielding, I then got a phone call from my GP and we discussed my risk and we both agreed that I wasn’t in a highest risk category. This was followed up by a phone call on behalf of the government asking me what further help I needed. It’s good to know the system is in place, I’m not sure how automated the whole thing is and in my case if the letter was generated by the GP surgery or hospital. If you haven’t already done so it may be worth contacting your GP to talk through as I understand a combination of things can trigger the system, in mine for instance I had some surgery on my lungs 9 years ago, that combined with treatment and age could be the reason. In your case where you work may be a factor, it is worth checking. Jill

  • Hi Jill yes I got a voice message from

    what sounded like a call centre. I think they were making sure if we need help we register for it. The text messages keep coming ! I think it’s something to do with the free flu jab register that’s how they have the information but could be wrong. I also decided I wasn’t really high risk so carried on with the new role and kept up with hand washing etc.  Xx