an indelicate question

  • 9 replies
  • 39 subscribers

First I'd like to say that I am so grateful to have found this forum. Even though I don't live in the UK [which is where I believe most forum members live] it is the only support forum I found online that is active and helpful. There are times when I feel so alone. Even though I received great news last month after my PET scan that all traces of cancer are gone, I'm left with a difficult recovery and the fear that I'll be living will nearly disabling longterm side effects. The radiation treatment included the lower part of my bowels and damaged them. That means that it will take even longer to reach some degree of healing and "new normal." I'm in the middle of my 4th month post treatment and still can't be more than a minute's dash to my bathroom. The only real progress is that most of the time I do make it to the bathroom, but sometimes I don't. Another bit of progress is that the diarrhea has nearly disappeared [gee but I hate diarrhea!] but I still "go" multiple times a day. Another bit of progress is I'm able to digest more different foods, like lettuce, but lately, as I experiment with food, I get this mucusy stuff that I find most creepy. I Googled it and it can be caused by food incompatibility.  My indelicate question is whether anyone else has experienced this mucus? My challenge with it is that like diarrhea before, it is almost impossible to control and I'm back to having to use Depends. Even if COVID didn't invade the world and make life so complicated and isolating, I'd still be isolated at home anyway because of my utter dependence on my bathroom. Don't get me wrong, I am beyond grateful that the cancer is gone, but I'm now swimming in a pool of uncertainty as to what the rest of my life will be like. Treatment was brutal and now I'm beginning to see that, for me, it may prove to be life-altering. Anyway, thanks for listening.

  • Hello choose Joy,

    I am 2 yrs post treatment, which, like yours was pretty brutal! I had lots of problems afterwards, having to go into hospital & Be treated for severe burns from back to front, I lost all the skin, which has come back like a baby’s bottom! & is a bit sensitive. That was followed by a case of sepsis, but as you see, I’m still here! 
    I have since led a very busy, full life. However my new ‘normal’ is occasional mad dashes to the toilet, sometimes not making it in time. I always have breakfast in my dressing gown & wait for my shower. I too have this horrid discharge from time to time. Sometimes I find it & don’t realise I have done it. These occurrences seem to be spasmodic. You are still in early days. I think we have to adapt to this, & thank God we are still alive & hopefully will stay cancer free. 
    Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal! 

    Very best wishes


    Lady Tourelle

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Lady Tourelle

    Lady Tourelle, Pan, thank you so much for your has me in tears. I had to go to the ER twice for the burns and lost a lot of skin. That new skin is very tender. I'm so sorry to know that you still have to deal with this "stuff" but you are so encouraging! Knowing it's "perfectly normal" actually helps a great deal! Hence my tears. Thank you and hope your healing journey is always on an upward swing.

  • Hi, I finished treatment  just 7 months ago now. I had diarrhoea during and about 4 weeks post treatment this slowly improved. However I get pain and itching up my back passage and the mucous you mention I also get. As Lady Tourelle says you sometimes don’t know it’s there. You feel a bit wet, go to the toilet, wipe and there’s this horrible mucous stuff. In all different colours too! Sometimes a yellow-ish colour, sometimes a murky, deeply unattractive shade of brown & two weeks ago it was sort of like jellied bright red blood which was alarming. I called my Colo-Rectal nurse about the jelly like blood. My consultant says it’s normal. I dread to think what’s going to come out next!! X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Hi all - thank you so much for sharing your experiences with this "indelicate" subject! I'm sorry it is something we have to put up with but it sure helps to know that it is really not unusual. Just annoying as all yet out!

    Stay safe everyone during this COVID situation.

  • This is very normal!! The slimy stuff that seems to appear out of nowhere! I’m nearly 4 years out and this still appears :-( no warning not sure why? Not all the time but now and again maybe it is food related?? I just have to change pants and carry on lol. Thankfully it seems to get me when it hasn’t really been a problem. 
    good to hear your consultant agrees it’s normal xx

  • I’m over five years now, and occasionally get mucus discharge. I know when I have it as I immediately become sore around my anus. It is definitely dietary related, but I have to go back a couple of days to find the cause!  Sugar and dairy products produce it, as does things like cake and biscuits, and red meat!  Sometimes it’s worth it! I use Germoloids cream on a fairly regular basis to protect my skin. But generally I’m now pretty normal, or used to my new normal! 
    My gut function is very definitely diet related, and has changed since treatment. I have had IBS for over fifty years, and I’m now much more careful of my diet. 
    Gin is good, but different tonic waters have different effects, depending on sweeteners! 
    I eat loads of vegetables, but some are a definite no-no! You have to play around.
    I would suggest you stick to the very bland treatment diet for a while, omitting sugars, and gradually add items on a weekly basis to find you particular triggers! 
    It does improve, but you can’t just return to a normal diet straight away.

    Best wishes, chin up, life is good, and improving all the time. 

  • Hi , 

    Although I’m lucky enough not to suffer from the whole mucus thing I do sometimes get a little ‘leakage’ which is usually just a clearish liquid but as has said I know it’s happening as it makes my skin sore. Also as I’ve previously mentioned I do definitely think these reactions are food related & keeping a food diary is always good, document food eaten on a daily basis to begin with & any reactions suffered, just keep it in mind that the reaction can be from a day or two previously or immediate so sometimes it takes a little pinning down then as time goes on you’ll notice certain foods & certain reactions recurring & hey presto there’s a link. My reactions are similar to s in that sugar has an immediate reaction on my digestive system & I definitely go to the loo more if I eat sugary stuff, I moved to dairy alternatives for my porridge etc., & lactose free milk for tea & coffee I also tend to eat goats cheese now instead of cheddar etc., as cows dairy is pretty inflammatory for me & the less inflammation we carry the less of these issues we suffer. To be honest I don’t do well with processed food in general now especially bread/pasta etc., this causes major bloating & pretty stinky gas! so I stick to mainly fresh foods now. You will find that things improve but unfortunately it’s sometimes a slow process plus it completely knocks your confidence! I didn’t suffer diarrhoea at all throughout but definitely the frequency thing was an issue for a while & remember planning any trip away from the house around toilet stops! If you can do this once you’ve been out & about a few times you’ll get your confidence back.


    P.S., I just love how everyone is so supportive on here. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    I'm so grateful to you all for your willingness to share both your experiences and suggestions. Gee but anal cancer is so, well, indelicate! I've always been a very modest person but this cancer just steals a person's dignity. I can't even count, through the course of this journey, how many people have seen my bottom, what with doctors, nurses and technicians! Just this past Christmas Eve I had to go to the emergency room because I spiked a fever and it seemed like there were a million people in the exam room - they all wanted to check the extent of my burns. Sigh. Felt like selling tickets! And I only had two more days of radiation to go.  Anyway, knowing that there is a community of people who know what this is like and are not afraid to talk about it is so very encouraging! Nikki65 I have been keeping a food journal [as you once suggested] but it is sometimes so difficult to know what bothers me. I have some definite things I've identified like milk [even lactose free] so I switched to Rice Milk. Can't do avocados at all; can't do pork or beef but can do fish and chicken. Like you sugar seems to bother me so I stay away from sweets. But I can do corn chips and salsa - yay! 'cause it's my favorite snack. Well, mild salsa anyway. Just discovered I can't do nuts. I think it was the pistachios that caused my latest problems. It's like I told my chemo oncologist on my phone appointment the other day, recovery is like a "2 steps forward, 1 step back" process.

    Again, thanks everyone and y'all stay well and safe.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    How very true Choosejoy.  I put off going to my doctor for ages due to embarrassment etc.  However, you quickly learn to accept that modesty and embarrassment go out the window with this particular cancer. After so many DRE’s and colonoscopy’s I just blank my mind and bend my knees lol. I did say to my consultant a while ago that if I were to come face to face with him in Tesco he wouldn’t recognise him but if I were to bend over he’d be able to say ‘oh, good day Mrs —-“.  For my RT sessions I used to wear a flared skirt. I could then remove my knickers and flip the skirt up for the RT session. I would then flip it back down as soon as the machine stopped before climbing off the table. It gave me a sense of retaining a modicum of dignity lol.  7 years on I still have the occasional bad bowel day where I need to stay close to the W,C - my new normal, a small inconvenience in the scheme of things. 

    all the best, stay home, stay safe

    Angelfeather x