
  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

I know these are unprecedented times & the world & life as we’ve known it has changed right now, hopefully in the short term, so I just wanted to check-in with everyone & see how you’re all coping.

There isn’t a single part of our lives that the COVID 19 pandemic hasn’t had some baring on is there? We’ve all had to make major changes in our day to day lives & some sacrifices during this time. 

I’m still going out to work at present & I’m torn between being grateful that I still have a job & money coming in to pay bills & put food on the table etc., & being terrified of going because I’m coming into reasonably close contact with probably hundreds of people per day with little protection other than trying to implement social distancing.

In the last couple of weeks I’ve come across a few people that are still going through their treatments, chemo, radiotherapy or as with our particular treatment regime a mixture of both & although it must be an added worry what do you do? Treatment must continue wherever possible. 

I know another worry must be check-up appointments. Have many of you been rescheduled?…I was lucky that my last oncology check-up was 10th March, just before things got really serious & I’ve now been put on 6 monthly checks so I won’t be due another until September time although I’m due an appointment with my surgeon in June, I’m hoping that things will be getting somewhat better by then! 

Anyway I just wanted to check-in & to say I hope you’re all keeping well & taking good care of  yourselves & have an adequate support system in place if you’re having to self-isolate. 

Stay safe.


  • FormerMember

    I've been wondering how others are doing too. My oncologists are trying to minimize any trips to the office. I have a check-up tomorrow with my radiation oncologist that was changed to a phone call rather than in-office. I'm fortunate that I am retired and don't have a job to worry about and my husband works from home. He is the one going out to the stores and pharmacy and he takes all kinds of precautions to keep himself safe. He has taken to wiping everything down with alcohol before bringing anything in the house. I was thinking how fortunate that I am that my cancer was diagnosed in October. It was found via biopsy. There is some talk now that biopsies may be delayed as "elective surgery." In my case, as I had a rapidly growing tumor, that could have been a death sentence for me. I'm grateful that I'm in my 4th month now post treatment. I'm praying for everyone who is in whatever stage of this anal cancer battle, that COVID will just stay the heck away from us all...and our doctors. I'm feeling very protective of my oncologists and their staffs. Not only will we, as anal cancer survivors, face a new normal as time goes by, all of us will face a new world normal once COVID is beaten. We have to believe it will be.

  • Hi ,

    I’m pleased you’re taking precautions to keep yourself & your family safe. We just need to keep doing what we’re doing & keep ourselves & our loved ones as safe as possible. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    I’m still working, I work in a key sector but not healthcare. It makes me cross when people seem to forget that the stuff they need from the supermarket has to be made somewhere, and all that manufacturing needs to go on or the shops would be empty.

    Other than that I’m taking care like you to keep clean, and am so very grateful that my chemo finished last year.

    best wishes,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Tungsten, my husband works as a senior software engineer for a company that makes medical research machines. I'm just glad that the company is still operating so that the researchers have what they need. The company did have to make adjustments for the employees who work on site to be as safe as possible regarding COVID and I'm thankful that they are still able to utilize independent contractors who work offsite like my husband. Like you it makes me cross when it seems people forget about those who work in other types of essential businesses. One of our family members works at a local grocery store and he is dedicated to his job but worried too as he is dad to our grandchildren. I'm concerned about farm workers in California - California provides the U.S. with half of its fresh fruit and nuts and a third of its fresh vegetables. What about those workers? These are uncertain times. 

  • Hi , 

    Yes I know what you’re saying the list of ‘key workers’ goes on & on although only half a dozen at the top of the list ever get mentioned. There is a chain of supply as you’ve said & I for one am eternally grateful for every single person in that chain. Also my eldest daughter is in assisted living, her & her friend have shared their home for 10 years & love it, the support workers that work alongside the girls have gone above & beyond over these last 2 weeks meaning both my daughter & her friend can self isolate & stay as safe as possible, thank you just doesn’t seem adequate! 

    Take care & stay safe.
