In these difficult times love and hope!

  • 3 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Have noticed there haven't been many posts recently, understandable in the present climate. Hope that any of you in the process of chemo/radiotherapy can continue with your treatment without any detriment.  And if a halt is called that it will be restarted as soon as possible.  Thinking of you all - those undergoing treatment, or those who have finished recently and might be vulnerable to any viruses going around (covid-19 or whatever).  Try to stay safe.  Love  Mxx

  • Hello, well said!!!!!!! Call meCall meCall meCall meCall meCall me

    These times are scary enough for everyone without having to go through diagnosis or treatment. See no evilHear no evilMonkey face

    Hope you all can stay safe, stay home where possible and continue beating cancers ass in this current climate. 

    Love and strength to all. PrayPrayPrayPrayPrayPrayPrayXxx 

    L xxxx 

  • Well said , I’ve thought about this many times over the last couple of weeks myself, about those that are still going through or awaiting to start treatment. 

    Everyone do your upmost to stay safe we’ve all fought this fight so hopefully we’ll all come through this latest crisis unscathed. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Happylady, I echo what the others said, "well said" indeed. My treatment ended the day after Christmas and I can't imagine what I would have done if it was now that I would have to go out every day in this uncertain time. In the county in which I live, there are, as yet, few confirmed cases, but my husband and I are exercising an abundance of caution. I just don't leave home except for doctor appointments or to get my power port flushed. And I'm glad the cancer center where my doctors and the infusion center is located is not near the hospital [a couple miles away] and only 10 minutes from our house. I'm praying this COVID-19 goes away soon and people can get on with their lives. Stay safe everyone.