Biopsy / PET scan. Results

  • 16 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I Saw the surgeon this time. Prefer her. To the point.

Its as we expected. Still tumor in the biopsies. APR needed.

Did have a slot for Tues but they are 4 anethatists down due to COVID-19

So Could be very short notice. Probably for the best tbh.

Less tine to think about it.

Im ok mentally

The PET was clear  so no spread. 

At least there is light at the end of the tunnel now.

  • So sorry that you’ve had this news.  Even when you think that’s what they’re going to tell you, it’s a shock when you actually hear it.  I had an APR in December 2017 after my AC came back.   If there’s anything you want to ask just let me know.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Caddie2011

    Thanks for that.  Ive sent you a friend request to allow us to chat. 


    Ian xx in

  • Thanks Ian. I’ve accepted that.  Happy to help with any questions.


  • Sorry to hear this news Ian but good news there’s no spread. I remember reading about irrigation when you have a stomach and how beneficial that can be I read that it means this massively helps management following an APR. Hope the op is as soon as possible. Please keep us posted x

  • A stoma not stomach I meant! 

  • FormerMember

    So pleased to hear it hadn’t spread. I think you had pretty much prepared yourself for the stoma already too. You really are dealing with this well. 
    I suppose the operation will also deal with the other post treatment problems you’ve been putting up with too.
    Hoping CV19 doesn’t cause any more problems,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Cheers Terry, I'm trying to stay positive as it will be finally a cure.

    Looming forward to no more pain dome time in the future too

    :) x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just to update you. I was in so much pain after my last biopsy that I was examined and found to have a large abscess near the tumor. 

    They took me in, drained it, and gave me a double Stoma to help the area heal up. 

    Ive been warned a few times that the infection could stop any chance of an APR.

    Ive been in hospital 8 days,  hope to go home Tues 14th now.

    They will organise another MRI  scan to.see how the area looks.

    Its then I will know if there is anything that can be done. 

    Then we content with COVID-19 which is touring every Intensive care unit it seems. This is making any "Big ops" impossible as very I'll people cant cope with it.

    I honestly didn't see things going this way. I thought the APR was the worst outcome in effect. It might still be but the surgeons are all clear it just might not be possible to do one. 

    Sorry to be so blue about this one. 

    I hope you and yours are safe. 

    Ian x

  • Oh Ian, I'm sorry to hear you're going through this rubbish. I hope they can get things sorted for you and you can get home. It must be a particularly strange time to be in hospital with everything going on and definitely not an added worry you need.

    I'm keeping everything crossed for you that you get positive news after the MRI and a clear way forward. 

    Stay strong, you've got this! 

    Deb x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1

    Cheers Deb

    Yeah it's a bizarre time to be in hospital. 

    No visitors allowed. 

    To make things worse major operations are on stop because so many are catching COVID-19  and have no chance to get over it

    It's probably the worst outcome during the worst tine really. 

    All my friends and family are really supportive.

    Ian x