CT scan and Surgeons meeting

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

This meeting was a bit less terrifying than the last one.

CT says no local spread.

Surgeon says skin might be just scar tissue so biopsys in the next few weeks.

Want to move quickly so they dont miss the window if there is still active tumor there.

Will have a PET scan too to make sure no spread anywhere.

Shes pushing for biopsy results for March 19th.

If scar tissue happy days,  if not then APR.



  • Hi Ian, that sounds much better than the last meeting. The sooner the better for the biopsies. There a good chance from the sounds of it that it’s scar tissue but if not then like you say an APR.  Of what you want I know but once you get your head round it it’s manageable. My daughter’s friend had an APR due to Crohn’s disease and lives life to the full. I’ve also read about irrigation which means that sometimes you can get away with a plaster over the stoma. X

  •  Not what you want I meant. X

  • Hi Ian (),

    That sounds a lot more positive than your last meeting with oncology doesn’t it? 

    Hopefully they’ll move quickly for your biopsies & you’ll have a definitive answer then. There’s nothing worse than waiting around is there? 

    Fingers crossed your PET scan is clear. I’ll be thinking of you. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    That is great news. You’ve been in my mind a lot.

    I had a dream that I think was about all of us last week.

    I was stuck up on a cliff ledge with a small group of people. We got rescued one at a time by a helicopter which took us to the top of the cliff, but when the helicopter came back for the last man, he slipped and tumbled down before the helicopter could get him. We all watched, horrified, but then we saw he wasn’t hurt. He’d got a special protective suit on and as we watched he scrambled all the way up the cliff to the safe area at the top where we were all waiting.

    I might just be processing what has happened and all of your stories but I’d like to think this might be prophetic. Not that I’m in the habit of that sort of thing!

    See you at the top of the cliff soon Ian,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Intense dream Trish!

    The chances of us meeting up at the top have increased though.  

    I've grateful for that and your thoughts,  cheers Trish. 

    Ian xx