Big Kabosh on starting my chemo this week.

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I was supposed to start chemo and radiation concurrently this week.  Last week during PET scan they found that my spleen showed up "HOT" but was unrelated to the cancer and no cancer spread other than the one lymph node already involved.

The hot spleen but the kabosh on starting chemo monday and had to take a bunch of tests.  Today i went for results  and while most of the tests came back negative for anything that would clearly upset the spleen one test a flow cytometry test showed a teensy abnormality that is not in keeping with all other results.  My oncologist spoke to like 10 radiologists and other docs trying to get an idea of what could be happening since really everything technically looks great.   They have no explanation for the hot spleen.  But it DOES mean no chemo til they know for sure since the chemo could likely cause more harm than good.  She is putting in a referral to the Mayo Clinic or Shands hospital to see if they can figure out what is wrong.

Meanwhile, it looks as tho i WILL MAYBE HOPEFULLY at least start radiation on Thursday tho not having chemo concurrently lowers my chances for a positive result.

It was an anvil falling from the sky kind of day.

Trying to remain positive,


  • Hi again ,

    I’m sorry that you’re not much further forward in finding out the issue with your spleen, it’s obviously proving a bit of a mystery with your Dr’s although it sounds as though they’re being cautious while they continue to get advice on what may be causing this red flag! 

    You’re obviously in the US, here in the UK the chemo side of this treatment plan is on the most part delivered orally with Capecitabine,  the odd occasion some still receive it through a port intravenously weeks 1 & 5 but the hospitals here that do it that way seem few & far between. We’ve had a couple of people on the forum that have reacted badly when they’ve begun chemo & it’s been stopped, they have continued to receive radiotherapy on its own with successful end results. My oncologist explained to me that the radiotherapy is the main source of treatment for AC so try not to worry too much about the chemo side of things.

    I hope they manage to get you some answers very soon & your treatment can get underway one way or another. 

    Try & stay positive.


  • It must be so frustrating for you. As nicky  says the radiotherapy is the main stay of treatment for this type of cancer. Hopefully you will start that next week. Hope the spleen issue is sorted ASAP. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    it is interesting that the use of the intravenous chemo is not used much there.  I surely would prefer it.  I will just mention it to oncologist when i go next week.  The Plan here is like you described week 1 & 5 with a 20 min injection of Mitomycin-C then a 4 day pump of Flourouracil that i take home.

    I am trying so hard to not let my brain run away with itself and make up stories about what is up with the spleen.  It was such a shock and surprise.  I ...   had just barely wrapped my brain around the stage 3 anal cancer.  In fact when they first staged it, they staged it at 4 then backed it off.  So my brain still worries that i'm three and a HALF hahaha.  you know how the brain is.   Takes bit's of info then just whammo runs crazy with it.  Hard to reign it in sometimes.

    Am trying so many things to distract myself and i find i have a few hours a day where i am not pondering and wondering.  Each one is a blessing because in those moments i don't have cancer and some weird scary thing wrong with my spleen.  Im just me.

    Thank you for your kind and supportive response.  Each and every one of you are appreciated for being an invisible cloud of support, of those who understand innately what I am going through.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Thank you for your response.

    It is encouraging to hear from both of you that radiation really is the meaty portion of the treatment.  It was very upsetting to think that i was possibly missing a crucial part.  The oncologist  is still hoping to get in the chemo treatment at SOME stage of the radiation as long as we can sort out my darn spleen.

    It IS frustrating that I have some new mystery to be solved in my body.  It took so long to solve THIS cancer mystery that I am not really in the "mood" to trudge another one of THOSE roads!

    I still found time and desire AND the ability to be silly yesterday while out shopping a bit and made some folks laugh which is more medicine for me than them.  Little moments of just being ME.


  • Hi again , 

    Yes even on the oral chemo you still have the Mitomycin infusion usually on day 1 of treatment. 

    Unfortunately there’s a lot of people here also that like yourself go misdiagnosed for some time & are therefore staged further on!… It’s also perfectly normal to feel the way that you do & you’re doing the best thing in trying to distract yourself I remember doing lots of different things to keep me busy in the early days because like you say your brain tends to run away with you. I had myself more or less dead & buried after my diagnosis!! 

    We’re always here for support & as you get into treatment any hints or tips we can offer to help. It doesn’t matter that we’re so far apart there’ll always be a virtual hug on offer here. This forum was & still is an invaluable resource for me & the encouragement it offered me especially in the beginning of all this is something I’ll be forever grateful for. 
