Cervical screening schedule after diagnosis of A/C due to HPV 16

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I am finished with treatment as of Feb. 7.  I had lower radiation 22 gy's as am on a clinical trial for Stage 1.  The after effects are hitting me and my heart goes out to each of you who have had the full dosage!  Really is quite painful even with the lower dosage.  Fingers crossed it worked.

Looking ahead...

I know mine was due to HP 16.  I was originally going in for a hemorrhoidectomy and surprise!  They found a small tumor and the pathologist verified it was A/C and positive for HP 16.  My OB/GYN said every 5 years for a PAP smear.  I posed to my radiation oncologist should I be screened sooner due to history of A/C?  I feel I'd be high risk.  She said she didn't know and would find out.  What have your Dr.'s told you?

I'm 51, married, and had a fulfilling sex life and would like to continue to think so but am worried about HPV in other areas.  I know they don't have many answers at this point and no testing for men.  Right now of course sex is furthest from my mind but I have thought about throat cancer for my husband.  I asked a male physician who is about my age and he said if he complains about any ear problems, don't let him brush it off.  I'm assuming that is due to the lymph nodes in that area. 

My best to all:)