
  • 4 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Started first week of chem 5FU last Monday first two days a doddle from Wednesday a very steep slippery slope, not allowed home Friday ! Question..... I tried to follow everything I was told to doPray tone1 the sickness won out any tips for helping next time please Pray tone1

  • Hi Flossie10 I am a week behind you and start my treatment on Monday so will be interested in any responses to your question! Glad I'm not the only one awake in the middle of the night!!!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Shiner202

    Hi Shiner202, ended up being kept in as bp was so low, nothing tasted the same and still doesn’t so all the tempting things I usually enjoy and took in with me did nothing. My poor family were terribly upset and frightened when I passed out when they came to take me home. I am fine ok now but taste buds still off kilter and hoping that someone can offer tips! Good luck to you x

  • Hi, have you tried Metoclopramide? I wasn’t actually sick whilst having chemo but felt nauseous the first week. Those tablets really helped. I also felt better if I ate something rather than having an empty stomach. I’ve finished my treatment & my first MRI showed the tumour had gone. Please post any questions, there’s lots of people on here who have finished treatment & can offer tips. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Hi thanks for replying, seem to have been given more tablets than I have taken in my entire life! Couldn’t keep any thing down at all but praying next time will be a wee bit easier, will remember thBlushname of the tablets you mention. So happy for you that your tumour has gone Blush