Smear test

  • 26 replies
  • 38 subscribers


I've just had my invitation for the 3 yearly smear test. I finished treatment for AC 5 months ago and things are still very sore in the lady bits. I can't imagine they would get the speculum thing in without sedating me!

Do I need to book in or wait a bit? Anyone any experience?

Deb x 

  • Hi Deb,

    My Consultant told me I couldn't have them anymore as the radiotherapy has changed the surface of the cervix so the result would be inaccurate. I asked how would any sinister changes be detected and he said by looking at the area, it's called a colposcopy. I would suggest that you call your colo-rectal nurse and ask to make sure. x

  • FormerMember


    My smear is due in April so this is on my mind also. There appears to be conflicting advise. When I asked my oncologist how I could protect myself going forward he said it was important I remain in the cervical screening programme in order to detect any changes. I’ve told him on a number of occasions that I’m concerned about having a smear due to my vaginal stenosis. His advise has always been to give it a try and ask for the smallest speculum. He also said that if it’s not possible to do the smear it can done under anaesthetic. I will be seeing him again in March and will bring it up again then. I know there are women on here that have had their smears as normal post treatment. 

    In the meantime can you please advise us on smears post treatment? 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m going to book a smear test next week, I’ll report back on what happens.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    please do @Tungsten there are many of us on here who will be very interested to hear how the procedure goes and what results you get. Sx

  • Hi Ladies

    I’ve just had a letter yesterday, for me to attend a cervical screening appointment!

    I had my last appointment with my consultant in Dec which would be my 16 month check. I saw a new consultant a lady who talked about my smears in depth. She told me she’d write to my Doctor and ask that I be removed from the screening programme as it would be difficult to interpret the findings, If I had any symptoms I was to have a biopsy.

    I received a copy of the letter she sent to my GP(This GP missed my cancer) and clearly did nothing with it, as I am still in the programme and am now being invited to make an appointment for a smear.

    I showed my husband this letter and he reminded me that she was very specific in telling me I wasn’t to have a smear test again. He said if u go for this and there is an problem you will be referred back to the hospital where u will be asked why you ignored her advice!

    There is such conflicting information out there!  I really am unsure what is the right path to take as a lot of these consultants have different opinions. The  internet does say no smear tests aft radiation.

    Hopefully one of you ladies will get some advice to shine a bit more light on this subject!

    Thanks ladies

    C x x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Crystal T

    can we please get your professional opinion on smear tests post treatment. 

    There appears to be no protocol with advise across the country being conflicting and inconsistent.”

    Some of us are being told it’s essential to remain in the cervical screening programme and to have smears as normal. Others are being told not to have smears as the findings will be difficult to interpret due to cervix changes caused by radiotherapy.

    So should we have smears or not?

    If smears are recommended, for those of us who have vaginal stenosis, what adaptations can be made to ensure the procedure is as comfortable as possible? and if the cervix can’t be reached due to stenosis what would be the next option? 

    Thank you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for sharing

  • My oncologist has come back and said yes to make an appointment as normal, just telling them I've recently had radiotherapy.

    I'll do as I'm told of course, but bloody petrified at the thought of anything going up there. No.2 of the dialators is still tricky and sore!!


    Deb x 

  • Hi Deb (),

    Smears have never been mentioned to me apart from when I was first diagnosed & I saw my surgeon, he delivered the news about my diagnostic scans, staging etc., & when he told me I could have a local resection to remove my tumour he asked was I up to date with my smear tests, I had by chance just received my invitation to go for my next smear & told him this so he advised on getting it done obviously before my surgery which I did. All was good with my results back then. I’m going to have a discussion with my oncologist at my next appointment in March as I’d rather stay in the screening program, although the thought of the test scares me a little now simply because of the stenosis! As others have said the advice out there seems quite conflicting!

    I hope the thought of it is worse than the reality for you & keep us updated on how you get on. Good luck. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Hi, I finished treatment end of October and had my first smear test last week.  I booked a double appointment as I was worried about thickening due to radiotherapy.  Our practise nurse was lovely, took loads of time to reassure me and as it was there was not problems whatsoever.  She said everything seemed "normal"; I was worried about the specular and she had smaller ones available but not needed.  Just waiting for the results now.  Oh, and I've my first mammogram on Monday!  Get it all over with at once.

    Good luck with it all
