Treatment Blog by Me! OFFICIAL!

  • 72 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hello all!  Hope you’re well?

I realised that I was probably starting too many posts, so this will now be my post I will report my progress on. Please feel free to add your own comments/discussions.  But this is where I’ll be uploading my fight! X

so, as I enter week 2, I was expecting to start to crumble and become a wreck.  However, apart from a slight (manageable by thinking about something else, usually the Villa and Guilbert) pain, so far so good.  I am still waking each morning about 3-4am expecting all my pubes and beard to be left of the mattress, but no. 

and my previous worry about gaining weight? Well, I’m gaining weight (2 pounds), as I’ve stopped running around school for 9 hours a day, to watching people sell shit to strangers in fields and people ponder over the difficult decision as to whether they are actually Wanted down under!!! The horror! And don’t get me started on that panel of women who gaggle for an hour mid through the endless drivel of daytime telly!!!!!!

i feel your pain ladies and gents.

now onto something that actually relates to our community.  When are these side effects gonna slap me?  So that I can be ready, on average, how long was it into your course of treatment you felt them?  My bum feels slightly ‘irritated’ but that’s it.

i shall keep this post updated.... if you care to follow! Xxx 

  • Hi ,

    Good to hear you’re doing well, apart from the obvious allergic reaction to daytime TV lol… 

    The side effects of this treatment kick in for everyone at different stages. Apart from radiation cystitis my skin reaction didn’t really kick off until end of week 3 or beginning of week 4 & even then it was bearable, I was in skinny jeans throughout my 4.5 weeks to & from the hospital. I also didn’t suffer any loose BM’s thankfully!  Things for me didn’t get really uncomfortable until the 2 weeks post treatment it peaked around day 11 post treatment (no skinny jeans throughout this period lol) plenty of salt baths, creams, Netflix, pj’s & sleep was had during those 11 days & then I began to heal really quite quickly. I think much of this depends on the strength of the radiotherapy & possibly where it’s aimed at as in positioning of your tumour. The most important thing to remember is that these side effects are accumulative therefore you’ll manage them as they gradually happen & your team should provide you with appropriate creams & pain relief as they occur. If your feeling irritated or begin to experience itching (many, including me got a itchy prickling sensation) an antihistamine such as piriton is really good at alleviating this.   

    Once again I’m pleased to hear you’re doing well. 


  • Hi, good to hear you're doing ok. Apart from feeling nauseous in the first week from the chemo and a bit of diarrhoea at about the week 3-4 mark I was pretty much ok until week 5. I then started to get tired and sore internally. My outside skin went red but didn't peel off as I had been warned it might. I then had diarrhoea for about 2-3 weeks, again, not as bad as I had expected. I then had diarrhoea occasionally before going the other way and becoming constipated. I take x1 Laxido a day and this massively helps. My pubic hair fell out around the week 6 mark. I was in the bath and saw a small raft of hairs floating past me. Upon slightly tugging at my pubic hair it came away very easily, not that I was bothered. It's grown back now. I didn't lose any hair from anywhere else so your beard may yet survive! x

  • Week 2 completed.

    beard and pubes intact.  I’ve felt a little sleepy this last few days but think that’s down to my inactivity.  My goal next week is to move more.  Skin is very sore and I am very constipated I think, which is giving me tummy ache.  

    I won’t complain though, again, some of the Little champions that go for radio/chemo, at the same time as me - but in an adult hospital instead of their children’s one - are really giving me perspective.  It’s something we are all getting over.  One sticker at a time. 

    hope for a bit of lie in tomorrow, but I’m sure I’ll be up at 4 Face palm tone2‍!  My sleep pattern is totally screwed, I’m going to bed at 5pm and up around now (9pm), I’ll probably knock off again around 11pm and be wide awake at 4am.  If this continues through next week, I think I’ll mention it. 

    anyway, that’s me moaning for tonight.  Week 2 done.  Still alive, goodnight all xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Midlands20

    Started a reply then managed to delete it!  Pleased you are now on your journey back to being the new, healthy you!  Re the youngsters going through the treatment alongside adults, when I was having my treatment there was a young lad of about 12 who came in with his mum and every day he was distraught and in years.  It puts the whole situation into perspective.  Six years on I hope that he had a happy outcome - he should have had another 55 years of life to look forward to in good health, I had already had 67 and would gladly have given him some of my future years to let him be happy for a little while so that if he had to go he could go happy and not tearful!  If I upset you with my comment about weight being unimportant a few months ago I apologise. I meant it with the best intentions!  Glad you are on your way.  Mxx

  • FormerMember

    You can never have too many posts.  I agree with you as regards to daytime telly.

  • 3 weeks done!

    so, the soreness has begun, the skin around my bum is breaking down and I’m having to use anethestic creams.  

    the team of lads and girls treating me continue to be second to non and nothing short of angels.  

    emotionally, this week has made me feel very down.  Things are starting to change and I feel like a useless waste of air.  No work. No banter with class team, students, I miss them so so very much.

    ive made a bond with a mum whose 3 year old has his radio around the same time as me, which has slapped me into perspective.  He’s just so adorable and his condition far outweighs mine.  So I stop myself moaning!!!

    starting week 4 tomorrow, so here goes!  Still no sickness or loss of appetite though (probably could do with it as I’m gaining fucking weight!! Lol).

    chat to you all next week! 

    hooe that you are all doing well.

    love P. X

  • Hi ,

    Congrats on your progress so far. You’ve hit that time in your treatment that seems to be the time when skin reactions kick in, many of us have begun reacting at this same point, but it sounds as though you have a fab supportive team around you & they’ll help & advise you through the next couple of weeks. I think if you were going to have some reaction to the chemo as in loss of appetite etc., it would have happened by now, I had no  loss of appetite either! 

    All the very best of luck for this coming week, once this weeks over you’ll be on the home stretch! Thinking of you. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    You’re more than half way through! I got really sleepy towards the end of treatment and had lots of naps. It made the time go faster and stopped me fretting.

    Good luck with the next bit, it’ll be over before you know it.

  • That 3 weeks seems to have gone quickly! With the sore skin I found it good to get air to it so would lie naked when I could ( it was summer fortunately),  also had 2-3 salt baths in medium to cool water a day. I used normal salt and sometimes Epsom salts. Salt is so healing. I also used aloe Vera gel ( without alcohol) externally but made sure it wasn’t on when I actually had the radiotherapy. You’ll be finishing treatment before you know it. Onward & upwards! X

  • Hello all,  I’ve got some Epsom salts, so will give that a try this week. X