
  • 6 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Hi all I recently posted as was newly diagnosed and was told I faced having a stoma etc etc.  I have just seen the colorectal consultant and although my anal tumour has restricted my output by reducing the size of my anus by about four fifths, he said as my bowel is still working ok, I could get away without the stoma and just have chemotherapy.  This is good as I was petrified having one.  I see the oncologist on Monday for my initial appointment.  Let me get to the point.  Because my anal opening is small I am frequently going to the loo, and passing small stools, yesterday I was going on and off for 15 hours.  What is concerning me is that I am constantly leaking, 24 hours a day which makes everything difficult and embarrassing as it smells.  Does this clear up with treatment, any tips on how to cope until it’s sorted ?

  • Hi ,

    My tumour was removed surgically prior to having chemoradiotherapy as mop-up treatment so I didn’t have the obstruction of a tumour but suffered something very similar post surgery & post treatment due to a lot of inflammation causing things to get quite restricted internally & had a similar leakage issue! You’re right it’s embarrassing & I didn’t venture out anywhere while this was happening incase I had a leakage episode while I was out! I remember being in the loo for 2.5 hours one Sunday morning producing something I could only liken to rabbit droppings! I was so exhausted after that episode I had to go curl up in bed! I was advised to take stool softeners to make everything easier to pass, I found the looser the better & found that this way, keeping everything on the soft side, I could empty my bowel more completely & this stopped the leakage almost completely. I’ve heard a few people that have had tumours in the larger side say that once treatment starts the size of the tumour starts reducing quite quickly. Hopefully this will be the case for you too. Mention to your Dr or your oncologist about the softeners, you’ll be able to get them on prescription. Hope this helps a little. 


  • FormerMember


    I’m pleased to hear you won’t need a stoma. This is something I was worried about as I had a T4 tumor, but thankfully it was never discussed. 

    I had leakage in the lead up to treatment. Not waste as such but I was always wet between the cheeks so to speak and constantly feeling the need to wipe. I had a clear discharge and sometimes it would be tinged with waste. I also had a milky type discharge coming from my biopsy site. The good news is about 2 weeks into treatment things improved with the biopsy site and I could feel that my tumor was starting to shrink. 

    A common side effect of treatment is that bowel movements become very loose and frequent so although not pleasant, going to the toilet may become easier for you. 

    I would recommend buying moist flushable toilet wipes and carrying spare underwear to hospital. Maybe buy some incontinence pads. Washing and showering after every bowel movement. You could try a spritz bath that you put over the toilet seat. I personally couldn’t get on with this and just used my shower head. Soaking in Epsom Salt baths is soothing and helps keep things clean. 

    There’s no getting away from the fact that this cancer and it’s treatment causes messy, embarrassing side effects. Just remember it’s all temporary and will get better. Treatment is very manageable.

    All the best for your forthcoming treatment. It’s short and sharp and very effective. I’m now 18 months cancer free after being diagnosed stage 3b. 


  • FormerMember

    I have been plagued with weeping in one form or another from long before diagnosis to now, 6 months out from treatment.  It still heavy. Clear/yellowish and has got embarrassingly smelly for me too. So i do feel your pain.

    I've read of many kinds of weeping/leaking and most do seem to clear up during or after treatment. It's quite unusual, like me, to be so productive for so long I think. 

    I would expect your condition to improve during treatment though as the tumor will shrink pretty fast. If it doesnt, don't freak out. One thing I had learnt is,it doesnt mean the tumor remains. If can be from many causes.



  • Hi

    Not sure how to help w leaking but I was told when passing stools to put something under my feet to raise my knees above the height of my hips as it reduces the stress on tissues etc and I found that it did help.


    Carpe Diem
  • Thank you all for the replies.  Ian my heart goes out to you, I don’t know how you cope. I e had this for about 4.5 months and it’s driving me crazy, can never get comfortable.  Am using sanitary pads at the moment.  It keeps me awake and it’s constantly irritating.  God bless you mate x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Martin G68

    Yes I use pads too.

    The worst stage for me was during treatment when the discharge became thick like butter and made the pads stick to the blistered parts of my rear end. Truely joyfully that was. 

    I'm in quite a positive place with it all now. I know how to cope wirh it. 

