Day 1

  • 12 replies
  • 39 subscribers

So, after all the appointments and tests (still think that they are selling my blood on the black market), I am starting treatment tomorrow.  Still very unsure as to what I will feel, and very anxious about it all.  Read some posts tonight that have given me a wobble too.  What's all this about elongated soreness? Toilet problems?  Probably don't wanna hear the answers but just get it over with.

Anyway...  wish me luck and I'll keep you posted. x

  • Did or does anyone wake up covered in scratches and cuts?  Or is just me?   I'm clearly unconsciously doing this!

  • Hi ,

    All the very best of luck for tomorrow. You’ll be fine I’m sure & once tomorrow is out the way you’ll understand a bit more what it’s all about & things will settle down hopefully. 

    The soreness that people describe varies greatly, it’s down to the skin reaction to the radiotherapy which is basically like sunburn in a place where you shouldn’t be getting sunburnt!! The toilet problems again vary greatly, whilst having daily radiotherapy sessions the bowel often gets a bit of the fallout & can get aggravated therefore a lot of people get loose bowel movements but if you do then your radiotherapy team or oncologist will be happy prescribing loperamide to firm things up a bit, me, unconventional as usual swung completely the other way & got constipated & had to take stool softeners throughout! 

    Once again good luck for tomorrow. 


  • FormerMember

    Good luck! You can do this. Tomorrow is the start of saving your life. It could not be any more positive. You are likely to feel no different at all tomorrow evening, you'll probably be given introvenous anti sickness ahead of the introvenous chemo so as long as the nausea is kept in check, you'll feel just fine. Radiotherapy is painless but a little strange at first purely because you've never had it before. Psychologically, you may feel a little daunted but you'll get lots of support. Make sure you look after yourself really well during treatment. Let us know how you get on.

  • So... bumpy start.  Chemo delayed 3 hours and a couple of false starts with radio meant a glorious 8 hour day at the Q of E!  

    nothing but respect for the staff there, they don’t f****g stop.  Someone give them a rise. Now.

    Hoping for a smoother ride tomorrow however as today as messed me around and been like walking through treacle. 

    fingers and toes crossed.  X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Midlands20

    Sounds about right. It will be much smoother tomorrow. Yes, they are like Angels - doing everything for everyone with a smile and compassion x

  • Thinking of you and a smoother tomorrow!  I gave myself permission today that it's ok to be stressed on the first day.  I know the effects are cumulative so I know I'll feel worse.  I know the diagnosis to treatment adds to stress and now it's time to get on with it!


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Midlands20


    Well done! day 1 done and dusted even it it was rather longgggggg. Have you got yourself some kind of chart to tick the days off? I found that a good supportive, visual aid.

    The NHS are amazing aren’t they, total respect and gratitude. You will have long and short days. I remember some days I’d be there for hours for all sorts of reasons and other days I’d be out in a couple. My delays were usually down to my bladder either having too much, or too little water in it. Also, just like the Birmingham QE, Guys London is unbelievably busy. I remember being amazed at the volumes of cancer patients.   

    Its a whole new world Midlands20.

    Hope today goes a little more smoothly for you.


  • Day 2 done.  Sooooo much easier. I’ve found that ‘counting’ is my coping method to keep my ADHD fidgety ass still.  Counted to 489 today, hoping that the lower I count each day, may be a successful Rofldiagnosis to my progress! lol.  I’m single handedly reinventing the diagnosis process RoflRoflRofl

    again, beyond impressed with the staff.  Do we compliment via PALS for it to actually make a difference?

    Today, I felt like I ‘felt’ it, after I was sore, it’s eased now though. 

    the taste in my mouth an hour after taking the chemo was horrific. About to take next 1500mg, so awaiting that taste again.

    hopefully tomorrow will be as smooth! 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Midlands20

    Oh that brings back memories. I used to count too just as a distraction. 

    Are you taking anti sickness? I took them regardless throughout and never had any symptoms whatsoever with the chemo. 

    I was at least 2 weeks in before I felt any slight discomfort. 

    I think you can go online and submit compliments via the NHS site to the hospital you are using.

  • With the 3000mg chemo, plus my very heavily doses meds for HIV, I don’t want to take anything else that is not 100% needed.  I’m rattling around like Keith Moon! Lol.

    im not sure of it’s in my mind, but where they chopped away at my lymph node, I can feel it after radio.  Should I mention this to my Dr? Xxx