No.1 & No.2’s!

  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all I’ve posted on here once before and found it useful.  I finished end of October radchemo for anal cancer (also have breast and had op for this already!) and aside from aching limbs (which I’m starting intensive physio for soon) I’m finding as soon as my head hits the pillow my bladder goes in to over time and I’m up five or six times a night and am literally not sleeping. 

This is a new thing as since I’ve finished it’s been sort of ok sort from odd explosion.  I’m doing my pelvic floors and have my dilators but it’s getting worse.  I’m seeing my consultants and radiotherapy support nurse soon.

But has anyone experienced this post treatment and is it a moment in time or do I have another issue to add to my list!

  • Hi ,

    I’m sorry you’re having these issues.

    I can assure you the aching limbs are a common side effect of the radiotherapy, I think most of us that are post treatment have suffered this, I certainly did. I completed treatment in June 2018 & my stiff, aching legs are a thing of the past now.

    I didn’t suffer with any bladder issues at night but found when things got a little inflamed after treatment finished I would go to empty my bladder & only a little would come out therefore I was going frequently & sometimes it took 3 or 4 visits before I felt empty! 

    Hopefully there’ll be someone along soon to offer some advice that may have had a similar experience. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thanks a mill for replying.

     I’m 39 and have a two year old,  we were planning a second but fate took over!

    I was doing ok until all this started hoping just a moment in time and not forever! 

    Really glad to hear your still doing well and are continuing receiving good news.

  • ,

    Thank you & you’re welcome, hopefully it’s just a hiccup & things will return to normal function soon, there’s nothing worse than broken sleep especially if you’re looking after a little one too! I suffered radiation cystitis during & after treatment & was spending more time on the loo than off it! Are you in any discomfort when you go or is it just the frequency that’s annoying? 


  • FormerMember


    Well done on getting through your treatment. It passes by quite quickly doesn’t it. Side effects however, can linger for some months I’m afraid. 

    I’m 18 months out but remember the aching well. It started about 8 weeks post treatment and stayed with me for a good year but didn’t stop me getting on with life. I was advised to do weight bearing exercise. To begin with I did yoga and swimming, then built up to running and aerobics. The exercise definitely helped the aching although sometimes I needed a lot of motivation to keep me going. Aching and stiffness is a common side effect but it dose get better and eventually passes. You have to be patient and give yourself time.

    I also experienced some bladder issues although not at night. Whilst the radiation is targeted it can still effect the bladder as everything is in close proximity. I had a period of time where I was going to the toilet several times during the day. My bladder sometimes felt sensitive like I had an infection. When I told my surgeon he said that the bladder can forget how to work after radiation and needs to be re-trained. He referred me to a urologist.

    Whilst waiting for my appointment to come through I was using my dilators (that’s another discussion!) and reading advise online. I read somewhere that the lubricant can cause UTI’s so I replaced the NHS one I’d been given with one called YES WB. Within a few days my bladder issue improved and I’ve never had a problem since. I therefore cancelled the urologist appt. Something you might consider trying but defo raise it with your medical team. They may well refer you as it is a common side effect. 

    Things never quite return to ‘normal’ after treatment. I have leakage but then again I’m 49, had 3 kids and am now menopausal. Cancer seems to have just nudged it along all a bit quicker. The joys of being a women eh! 

    You must have your post treatment scans looming good luck!

    Sarah x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I’m 4 months past treatment and usually get up at least once in the night for a wee. I never needed to get up in the night before treatment so that’s a big change for me. Shortly after treatment I’d be up 2 or 3 times.

    I found eating sugary sweets or drinks made it much worse, especially fizzy ones! Is more healthy not having them I guess but I miss stealing my sons haribo.

    kind regards,