
  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi All, 

Well it’s that time of year again, everyone is busy rushing around getting last minute gifts in & debating when to do that dreaded Christmas food shop! I work in retail so I’ll be working extra hours until Christmas Eve & I see many smiling faces every day but also many people showing the strain at this time of year. We all know it can be a very difficult time of the year for many people for many different reasons. It’s not always easy when going through something as devastating as a cancer diagnosis to look forward to the future, to see past something that’s so all consuming. If you’re struggling right now try & believe that the New Year will bring better things for you. If you’re finding it difficult lean on your loved ones whether that be family or friends or us here on the forum your virtual support system. For all of the members on this forum that are going through tests, just receiving a diagnosis, waiting to begin treatment, going through treatment & in recovery I would like to  take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy, Peaceful Christmas & may 2020 bring you good health & all you wish for.


  • FormerMember

    Thank you Nicola,

    I really needed to read that. I’m struggling with being in the no mans land of waiting to see if my cancer will go, and not wanting to upset my kids by letting them know.


  • Hi ,

    You're in a difficult place right now, you’ve done the whole treatment bit & want what we all want at that initial appointment & that’s to be told it’s all gone, please don’t lose hope though, the radiotherapy continues working for many months after your final treatment & from what I understand it’s not uncommon for there to be some residual tumour left in the early stages of recovery. Hopefully your next appointment will offer you better news. It’s really difficult to sometimes try & keep these feelings private & a struggle putting on that brave face just please make sure you don’t get bogged down by doing this, none of us want to burden our children with the worry of this diagnosis & everything that goes with it but try & speak to someone that knows what you’re going through, there’s a lot to be said for a problem shared. 

    We’re always here.

    Nicola xx

  • Waiting for scan results is just the worst.  The trouble is we all need to somehow get used to this because for the next 5 years we are going to have to go from one follow up appointment to the next with the agonising waiting time in between. my Consultant has offered to refer me to a psychologist. At first I said I didn't need this. he explained the psych would advise as to coping techniques for managing anxiety (including awaiting scan results etc) so I do think this will be of benefit and have agreed to go. Will pass on any tips i learn x

  • Hi ,

    Yes I would definitely take up the offer of the psychologist too, what harm could it do? It will hopefully give you the tools to deal with the ongoing anxiety that accompanies this disease! As you say we have 5 years of scanxiety ahead & I do wonder sometimes even after 5 years do survivors ever really stop wondering ‘what if’? Therefore learning techniques to deal with this stress has to be a positive doesn’t it? 

    Good luck & let us know how you go & if you find it helpful. 


  • 1 in 1500

    I've been seeing the rehabilitation physcologist and really recommend it. We've done some mindfulness and talked about techniques to cope with times leading up to scans. It's really good just to have someone face to face to talk to as well, who's not emotionally connected with you. 

    Deb x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1


    I also saw a psychologist and found it very helpful as I was struggling to accept what was happening to me. I was struggling with the fact i had to have time off work and was angry that everyone else was carrying on with their normal day to day activities so it helped me massively to think of things in a different way.

    I believe that Christmas is a good way to really think about what/and who is important to us. Whatever your circumstances, have a good Christmas everyone 
