Post treatment scans: cancer still there

  • 3 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all,

I finished my treatment on 12th September and just had my results from my first MRI scan since then. I was T2N1M0 

The lymph node is clear now. The cancer is greatly reduced, which apparently is good, but it’s still there. I’m getting a follow up in 6 and 12 weeks to assess progress but if it’s still there then I’ll need surgery.

Anyone had signs of cancer on first MRI after treatment but then got to NED without surgery?


  • FormerMember


    This is good news however, I know you wanted to hear that it had all gone, so I appreciate you will be feeling very anxious. You are not alone, this is more common than you realise. I’m sure  won’t mind me tagging him as he has received similar news and is in the same position to you.

    I remember after my post treatment scans, my oncologist saying to me “don’t panic if there’s still something there”. AC tumors are slow growing and can be stubborn to get rid of. However, as you know the radiation keeps on working for 9-12 months so there is still a high chance that your tumor will continue to shrink.

    This also happened to my peer support. A mass still showed at her 3 month post treatment scans. She then had a very challenging 6 months of further scanning and biopsy’s but eventually the tumor disappeared and she is now a 9 year survivor. 

    I hope I’m offering some reassurance and I’m sure  will get in contact as you’re both in a similar position and can support one another.

    In the meantime, carry on with life, stand strong and when you mind is taking you to dark places, tell it No! the tumor will be gone.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Trish, as Sarah says I'm in the same position. 

    I had learnt to be quite positive post treatment and tbh, the result knocked the wind out of me at the time 

    I was told that it's not unusual to Bevin this position and theyn decided to leave it another 3 months and rescan.

    I've come to terms with this and am treating a NED result, if it happens, as a bonus. 

    I'm not expecting good news.  But It helps if you join the forum for the APR procedure and get some info and support.  Once you're prepared you will feel better about things and will get yours head in a better place. 

    If you need to chat please feel free to PM me anytime. 

    Ian x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you, I’ve PMed you with a bit of a rant.

    I couldn’t find the APR forum, what’s it called?
