
  • 5 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Diagnosed stage three anal cancer not spread but have suspicious lymph nodes

  • FormerMember


    I’m very sorry that you’ve received this diagnosis but you have come to the right place for support and advise.

    I joined this site last March when I to was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer with lymph involvement but no spread (T4 N3 M0). I am now 16 months in remission so the MOST important thing to know is that treatment for this cancer is highly effective. This cancer is curable.

    There are many people on this site at different stages in their cancer experiences. People aren’t always posting but they may be sitting in the sidelines reading, observing or having their own conversations with people they have be-friended on here. Collectively we have a wealth of experience and can support and help you through your treatment and beyond.

    Myself and are the 'Community Champions' for this forum. We are everyday people who had anal cancer and have come out the other side. We volunteer in our spare time to support other AC patients and help them to be better informed about this rare, skin cancer. Myself and Nikki can offer different perspectives. We were staged differently, so in terms of treatment we both had very different experiences. Nikki and I started our treatment on the same day, supported each other throughout and are both, thankfully in remission/NED (no evidence of disease).

    In terms of other support on this forum there is a helpline you can call to speak with a nurse (tel no. below) and we have our own anal cancer surgeon who you can email directly with questions and advise. If you wish to know, I can let you know about other support for AC outside of the Macmillan forum. 

    So when you are ready feel free to ask absolutely anything, someone will always respond to you. We are frank and honest on this forum because anal cancer is stigmatised. It's important you feel free and comfortable to discuss anything that you might find difficult to talk about with family, friends etc. On the other hand you might read things on here that scare or worry you. Just remember that everyones cancer is as individual as them and what someone might be experiencing, won’t necessarily be the same for you.

    A cancer diagnosis is very scary, its a huge roller coaster physically and emotionally but we can help you to feel more in control and prepared.

    Welcome again. 

    Sarah x

  • Hi Helena and welcome to the group. I was diagnosed with Stage 2 AC this year, completed treatment in summer and my first scans last month show the tumour has gone after 5.5 weeks of combined chemo radiotherapy. Any questions just ask. As Sarah has said the treatment is very effective for this sort of cancer and there are people in this group who are many years on now without reoccurrence. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I'm three month post treatment waiting for a scan I'm very well at the moment but the treatment was very hsrsh

  • Hi Helina,

    Congratulations on completing your treatment & it’s good to know that you’re feeling well. Yes I agree the treatment can be harsh but it’s also effective & hopefully you’ll find your scans will reflect this. Do you have a date for your scan? I’m due my 2 year scans in June but have been wondering what effect the pandemic will have on dates etc. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    It should be too long now x Helen