Anal cancer abdomen

  • 3 replies
  • 37 subscribers


Did anyone have little lumps throughout their abdomen and at their lower back on diagnosis please?



  • Hi , 

    Welcome to the group, although I’m sorry you have had to find us.

    Personally I didn’t suffer these symptoms that you’re experiencing, although there could be other members that may have, have your medical team given you an explanation as to what these lumps may be? Anything you’re concerned about I’m sure either your doctors or if you’ve been assigned a specialist nurse wouldn’t mind you giving them a ring, I had many questions in the very beginning & throughout but in the beginning Theresa, the specialist nurse that sat in with me when the Dr delivered my diagnosis was always happy to answer any concerns I had. There’s also the (Missing Forum) or Ask a Nurse facilities on the MacMillan site. 

    I hope you get some answers soon.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie

    That could be something entirely unrelated.  Anything from a heat rash to shingles. 

    Often when people get diagnosed they imagine a lot of symptoms too. Its natural when you on high alert

    I would pop into your doctor's on an early emergency appointment. The words "Cancer patient" works wonders getting past the receptionist I found. 

    Get it checked out for your peace of mind. 

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ellie

    That could be something entirely unrelated.  Anything from a heat rash to shingles. 

    Often when people get diagnosed they imagine a lot of symptoms too. Its natural when you on high alert

    I would pop into your doctor's on an early emergency appointment. The words "Cancer patient" works wonders getting past the receptionist I found. 

    Get it checked out for your peace of mind. 

    Ian x