Anal squamous cell carcinoma

  • 18 replies
  • 39 subscribers

Had biopsies and it's more likely the above any help advice or support welcome

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the group although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us.

    You've definitely come to the right place for any help, advice & support you’ll need at this stressful time. You can ask anything here, don’t be shy, we’ve all been in the place you are right now & between us all we’ve have come up against most situations during our journeys so plenty of tips & reassurance here. 

    Personally I was diagnosed with stage 1 squamous cell carcinoma anal cancer in February 2018, if you click on my user name you’ll be able to read a bit about me there. I am at present 17 months post treatment with NED (no evidence of disease). There’s people here that have been diagnosed at all different stages with many positive stories to tell.

    You’re still awaiting an official diagnosis by the sounds of things so right now as difficult as it is try & not think too far ahead. If unfortunately your diagnosis is as you suspect things should move pretty quickly after that.


  • Hi Helina, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 (see my profile), finished treatment 3 months ago and am awaiting the results of my 3 month scans. All of us in the group are at different stages of treatment/recovery which is useful in terms of being able to obtain information/advice as to the different issues at each stage. On a positive note if it is anal cancer that you are diagnosed with, the recovery rates are very good. Please don't hesitate to come back on with any queries. x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Been diagnosed don't no much apart from I have to have MRI and CT scan 

  • Ok please come back on and post with any queries after your scan results-of course you can always post before too. We all understand what a worrying time this is. Waiting for scan results is the worst. X

  • Hi ,

    I'm sorry your diagnosis was positive. As I mentioned previously things can move quite quickly following your diagnosis, if I was to offer a bit of advice I would say carry a pen & note pad with you just to jot down questions you have to ask as they pop into your head & to write down information you’re given at your appointments, you’ll have an awful lot of information coming your way in the next couple of weeks & sometimes with the stress of the situation I found things I was told just didn’t stick!

    We’re always here to help support you through this, there’s lots of us here at all different stages of this journey & have & still do support each other throughout. 


  • Hi Helina, Sorry you find yourself here, but you will find Great Support!

    I was diagnosed with anal cancer stage 2 on August 15th 2012! I have now been cancer free for 6 yrs Praise the Lord Raised hands

    The treatment can be difficult, but it goes by fast and you will find a Great deal of Support here.

    Keep posting with questions as you progress.

    God Bless 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    Consultant rang and said scans are to stage the cancers but he's sending me for chemo and radiotherapy anyway all starting before Xmas  diagnosis is squamous cell carcinoma

  • Hi , 

    Sounds as though your consultant is on the ball & will get things moving as soon as possible, most of us here have had the chemoradiotherapy treatment so if you have anything you’d like to ask like practical help or otherwise please don’t hesitate to ask.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Please just be grateful that your treatment will be starting sooner rather than later.  You are very lucky.  I don't want to scare others about diagnosis - but the earlier treatment starts the less time you have to worry and panic if you are so inclined!  The future starts now on the path to your future good health, following treatment and hopefully (as most of us have found) cure.  Mxx

  • Hello, 

    I was diagnosed June 2018 with T4 anal squamous cell carcinoma. 
    I was given pro active stoma surgery before 5 and a half weeks chemoradiotherapy. 
    all clear given dec 2018. 
    reversal stoma surgery April 2019. 

    currently NED with 3 monthly checks. 

    This is the scariest journey you will ever take, however the treatment can be very successful. 

    keep strong, accept help from anyone you can and ask questions. 

    This site was a godsend to me as there is so much you cannot talk about even to your closest family. They do not understand unless they have been through it. 

    If you need any help advice please shout. HeartbeatPrayCall me
    Lorna xxxx 
