Anal cancer

  • 10 replies
  • 37 subscribers

My wife just been for a pet scan for anal cancer can someone talk me through healing process please x

  • Hi ,

    Welcome to the forum although I’m sorry you’ve had the need to find us.

    Firstly are you in the Uk? Being a bit of a rare breed we have people dropping in on the forum from everywhere including quite often the US, treatment regimes etc., differ from country to country also hospital to hospital. Has your wife been given a treatment plan yet or are her team awaiting the results of the PET scan? Once I know whereabouts on this bumpy old road your wife is I’ll try & offer some answers from my own experience & I should imagine there’ll be others along to share their journeys too. You’ve definitely come to the right place for a bit or moral support if needed. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    We are still awaiting results from pet scan and were based in uk West Yorkshire 

  • Hi again ,

    If you click on my username you can read a little about my journey there. I was 52 when diagnosed in February 2018 & remember well how earth shattering that news is! I am now 17 months post treatment with NED (no evidence of disease). You will find many people in this group that have all been diagnosed at different stages & have had really positive responses to the treatment. 

    Your wife is right at the beginning of all this & it’s a scary place to be for everyone concerned, has her oncologist discussed a treatment plan for her? The standard treatment is 28 days, Monday-Friday, of chemoradiotherapy. The treatment is short & sharp & very effective in treating anal cancer. Recovery from treatment varies for everyone, I went back to work part-time 5-6 weeks after treatment had finished  but as I say it’s very individual for everyone. I am living life pretty much as I was pre-diagnosis now (maybe with a little more gratitude for life) & doing most of what I was prior to all of this happening. 

    Please feel free to ask if you have any questions, we’re a lovely bunch & no matter how personal your queries may sound to you I can assure you we’ve all asked the same questions somewhere along the line! & there’s usually always someone around to react fairly quickly to posts. 


  • Hi Kickcanforever

    I'm also in West Yorkshire. Is your wife being treated at St James's? 

    Deb x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1

    We’ve only just been for pet scan on Thursday however we’ve received a letter asking us to go in on the 26/11/19 for another examination and investigation x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1

    Yes we’ve been at at James and we are from wakey x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thank you very much for sharing 

    we have only just been for a pet scan 2 days ago however we have received a letter asking us to go back for further examination 
    its worrying us atm but fingers crossed nothing major x

  • The consultants and staff at st James's are amazing and will look after your wife and you well! 

    Keep us updated and if you have any questions there are loads of fab people on here who will help. I've recently had treatment and this forum has been and still is a great place to help keep me sane! 

    I've also sent you a request, so you can PM me if you have any specific questions about St james and how they do things there if your wife does need any treatment. Theres also lots of support services at Leeds which I can tell you about.

    Deb x 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1

    Hi Deb 

    Thanks for your time and Thursday last week we attended st James pet scan unit 

    what normally happens we’re not aware however we’ve received a letter asking us to go in for further examination and we’re not sure what to except on this occasion x

  • Hiya

    I'll send you a PM with my experiences of the procedure at St James's.

    Deb x