
  • 6 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi all

Not been on the forum for a few weeks as life got in the way - nothing seems to be going right here at the moment but at least it has been a distraction. 

I had my follow up yesterday and the consultant seemed pleased w the way things are going (although she asked if I had tried using my dilator pack which I have put in a drawer and been ignoring).  I also seem to now have a pile as well as a fissure but she said w all the treatment I have had she wouldn't do anything about them and certainly not now.  I have also lost weight but I think that is more to do with my anxiety about eating and then having to go to the loo which is still interesting lets say  ... 

Skin is healing but I still get tired quicker than I did and the muscles in my buttocks and the back of my upper legs sometimes feel as if I have done a mammoth legs bums and tums session which couldn't be further from the truth.

Next step is the big one scans and results.  As I finished treatment on 25th September apparently my 3 month scans are actually due on Xmas day but my Consultant tells me that won't happen as it seems the department won't be open for business not even for me!  So booked in for early January.

Deb1E x

  • Hi, welcome back, take a look at the recent threat 'leg pain' this seems to be a common problem, feeling like you've done a good workout. I only took a fairly short walk yesterday and felt I'd been for a very long run.  I haven't used the dilators yet as I've been too sore but will soon as the nurse told me I should use them as soon as I can to minimise the narrowing.  Also, I get tired a lot quicker than I used to.  I've just had my 3 month scans and am awaiting the results. Keeping very busy to take my mind off things. x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Deb

    Are you on any softeners? They would help to avoid issues like piles or fissures.  Try to avoid any straining when going to the loo. You want it to literally fall out. (I know, gross eh. Lol) But that would help hugely with your anxiety. 

    The muscle aches and pains are very common, caused by shrinkage from the radio I have read a few times. It's a longer term side effect that can fix itself over a year or so people say.

    Having your scan delayed a little at least allows you to carry on ",As normal " over Christmas/new year doesn't it.

    Have you returned to work yet? I found that helped me a lot to get back to a sense of normality again.

    Your doing well and are not suffering anything unusual in terms of side effects. Try the softener idea if you haven't already.  I use lactolose.  Its always done a good job for me. (Smiles). 

    Ian x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to 1in1500

    I know what you mean about the fatigue. Its another common one that slowly reduces over a 12 month they say.

    Stay positive on the scans. No reason not to be is there. Dont waste any time worrying.

    Ian x

  • Hi ,

    It’s good to see you back & get an update on how things are going.

    As far as I’m aware piles/fissures are quite commonplace following our particular treatment. I too have a suspected fissure & even 17 months on I still sometimes get a smear of blood when going to the loo! I think it’s a combination of new, delicate skin & stenosis, that lack of stretch sometimes makes things really uncomfortable when going to the loo even though I take a softener every day! 

    Again the bum, hip, lower back & leg stiffness I still get although I also have mild osteoarthritis so I think the treatment has probably accelerated this, my GP has just tested my vitamin D levels & they’ve come back the lower end of normal so she’s advised me to take a good quality D3 supplement to help protect my bones & joints & she was pleased to hear I already take a high grade fish oil supplement too. The fatigue is a biggy also, it’s only recently I’ve noticed that it’s almost completely gone, although few & far between I was still getting the odd day where I had to spend doing absolutely nothing, or is that just life & age catching up with me???

    I think, in your position, I’d be a bit more relaxed waiting for the scans until January rather than having the scans pre-Christmas & have the results hanging over me over the Christmas period to hear in the New Year, the scanxiety is real, believe me lol…

    Anyway it was lovely hearing how you’re getting on.


  • Hi Ian

    I am seeing my GP Tuesday so will talk to him about softeners. I am working luckily as I am self-employed so no work no money but as I work from home I can work a bit and have a break.

    I  had a letter yesterday asking me to attend for scans on 30th December so they are available for the weekly MDT meeting  on 7th January and I have an appointment on 8th January to get the results so thankfully won't have too long to wait between the two.

    Deb1E x

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    I take one sachet of Laxido every evening, which means going to the  loo in the morning is just painful rather than agony.

