Leg pain

  • 20 replies
  • 37 subscribers


I'm a bit of a panicker about things and just wondered if anyone had experienced anything like this. I'm 3 months post treatment and in the last week am getting pain like bad aching in my right leg, sort of back of thigh area and down. It's worse at night and actually sore to stand if I get up in the night. During the day it eases once I'm on the move  but gets worse with sitting. I'm starting to think all things and not sure whether I should contact someone.

Anyone had this, or know if its normal at this point? 

Any help really appreciated! 

Deb x 

  • Hi ,

    Firstly can I say it’s perfectly normal for our minds to go straight to the place where we think ‘more cancer’ as soon as we have a new ache or pain, I think that I’ve made peace with the fact that this will probably always be the case since my diagnosis in February 2018! I’ve been to the GP at least a couple of times since then, once with bad pain in my left hip (it was there prior to my diagnosis) which resulted in her sending me for an X-ray & it showed reduced space in my hip joint (early osteoarthritis), again with a suspect area on my back which actually turned out to be a BCC (totally unconnected with original diagnosis) & when I visited the dermatologist she also found a second one the GP hadn’t identified, these were dealt with on the same day & I was basically told once the confirmation came through to say they were definitely BCC’s & had been totally removed then I was just to forget about it, no follow-up required (easier said than done though!). Now the point I’m getting to I also went & got checked out with symptoms very similar to what you’re experiencing now, strangely my right side also, & my GP said my pain & discomfort was typical of sciatica. She didn’t seem surprised that I’d got it either! I was given some exercises to do to try free up the nerve. I still get it mildly every now & again but it’s definitely manageable. 

    Don’t ever be afraid of going to your GP for a bit of reassurance & it’s always worth mentioning these things when you have your check-ups too, then your Dr’s always have a note of any issues you’ve had post treatment. 


  • FormerMember


    I had a lot of aching for quite some time. It started 6 weeks post treatment and remained with me for a good year. It moved around started in my knees, then seemed to be all over, then was in my thighs, gluts for along time. It was in both legs and felt like muscle ache, as if I’d over done it at the gym. Sitting and being static made it feel worse. I was advised to do weight bearing exercise. I run and do yoga consistently and this has definitely helped. I realised about 5 months ago that it had gone. The only discomfort that remains is in my lower back when I’ve been sitting for long periods.

    What you're describing sounds similar although it sounds like you're in more discomfort at night which I didn’t experience. 

    Radiation causes all sorts of inflammation and damage. It can damage our bones and when this happens the muscles contract to protect the bone and create aching. Bone damage can only be diagnosed with a bone density scan. Do you have any swelling? radiation can cause lymphedema due to lymph node damage.

    If I were you, as its the weekend, take some Ibuprofen consistently, have an Epsom salt bath and massage the area/apply heat, see if that makes any difference. If you’re really worried have you got a CNS nurse you could contact? or you could email our online anal cancer surgeon. It can however, sometimes take a day or two for him to reply, but worth a try. 

    We will always think the worst because of what we’ve been through. However, I think what you are experiencing is most likely to be a side effect of the radiation as opposed to anything more sinister. 

    Don’t worry in silence always come on here. Let us know how you get on. 

    Sarah x

  • I have just walked upstairs and had the usual aching in the backs of my thighs and backside. I've had this for the last few weeks, like I've done a good workout. Since about 5 weeks post-treatment I've had aching in both my hip joints, the left in particular and also a few episodes of sciatica on both sides. Prior to treatment I had read about the effect the radiation has on your pelvic bones. I had also seen from other sites (I think Cancer Research was one), that it seems to be quite common for people who have had pelvic radiation to end up with sciatica or even hairline fractures of the hip joints so I haven't worried about these particular symptoms. I am going to ask when my MRI scan results are available if there's any sign of pelvic damage. I awoke today with my legs feeling very stiff and think your problems are probably worse at night because you're not moving.  I find epsom salt baths help quite a bit but you really have to have them every day to notice a difference. Hopefully our symptoms will ease a bit as time goes by x

  • Thanks everyone, that's really helped.

    It feels exactly like you've all described and is definitely better with heat on, in the bath or shower and definitely eases if I keep on the move. I'll take some ibuprofen today and see how I get on and ring the nurses on Monday if it gets any worse.

    Just when my bottom starts feeling a bit less sore, something else starts hurting! I think for me it's all manageable once I know its normal, it's just that reassurance that others have had similar that helps. I Thank goodness for this forum! 

    Deb x 

  • Hi Deb:

      First off congratulations on the remission.  I finished my treatment in March 2013 and experienced pain in my right hip and top of the leg for a long time.  I have since developed night cramps.  People have told me to drink pickle juice before going to bed, it's worth a try.  Hope this helps a little


  • Oh Deb, don't go counting my chickens, I've not had any first scans yet!!

    They're coming up and I'm absolutely petrified, but trying to stay positive and keep everything crossed! 

    Deb x 

  • Mine are coming up too. No appointments available for the results until January although they have said if there’s any cause for concern they will call me and get me in earlier. Will be jumping out of my skin every time the ‘phone rings. I don’t know how to manage this anxiety other than keep very busy. It’s not a great place to be! X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1


    Radiation really is the gift that keeps on giving!

    If it isn’t one thing it’s another and side effects can linger for long periods. Its frustrating but you can still get on with life as these side effects tend to be more of an inconvenience. It can feel like your body has rapidly aged but things will improve over time. 


  • Hi ,

    I’m so pleased you replied to this thread as I’ve had night cramps a couple of times recently in my left thigh muscle! Never had cramp in my thigh before in my life! Most of the pain I have in my hips is also left side. So strange how these symptoms crop up & you think it’s totally unconnected with treatment etc., then all of a sudden someone else pops up on here with the same issue & bingo it is obviously connected!! This is the beauty of this site. 


  • FormerMember


    I'm 5 months post treatment and my bum cheeks and back of thighs ache constantly , I saw my oncologist on Thursday and spoke of this , he said it is all normal and were radiotherapy shrinks tumours it also shrinks muscle Etc and the aching is the tight muscles and healing , said it will all take time to heal 
