
  • 13 replies
  • 38 subscribers

So I’m now 11 weeks post-treatment and whenever I have a painful bowel movement I have noticed blood on the toilet paper, it was more pink-red and diluted. Today was painful and there was full on red blood on the toilet paper, quite a bit, like the pre-treatment days. Obviously not a welcome sight. Has anyone any similar experience of this? 

  • FormerMember

    Yes I have and still do sometimes, and not necessarily associated with a painful bowel movement.  Can sometimes just happen with no obvious cause.  Was told by my oncologist that it is "telangiectasia" caused by new raised thin veins on the surface where you had radiation treatment.  First mentioned that breaking wind had caused it,  much to the amusement of my oncologist at check up!!  It happens for no real reason other than very fragile new skin!

    I have posted about this before and am still doing without any concern or worry so please think of it as a sign that you have new, albeit fragile, skin on your bottom!

    Was diagnosed with stage 3 perineal/perianal cancer in December 2013, age 67.  Nearly six years later still happily here, and don't panic nearly so much (have had had hiccups along the way but the longer I am still here the less I panic.  In fact I don't think back, only forward.  It's the only way to go now to thank all those who treated and supported me on my journey!

    Question - do you use the pseudonym "1in1500" because that is the number of diagnosed cases of anal cancer each year?  When I was diagnosed in 2013 the number was "1in900".  Don't know why it is more prevalent now.  All I know is that we should be grateful that we were diagnosed and treated promptly, with success.  I tend to prattle on, sorry, perhaps I am just enjoying the extra years I have had since my original prognosis of 40/60%.  Love and hope.  Look forward not back.  Mxx

  • FormerMember


    I remember having quite a lot of colourful wipes a good few months post treatment. Sometimes bright red blood, brown, mucus, clear, all sorts came out. It’s not uncommon everything internally is very inflamed. You’ll also have stenosis ‘narrowing’ which doesn’t help things. 

    I’m 16 months post treatment and still have blood wipes although I can pretty much predict this will happen following the passing of a hard/large stool. 

    Whenever I have check ups the first question my oncologist asks is “have you had any bleeding” I aways ask what should I be concerned about. He always says that bleeding every now and again is to be expected but heavy, bright red, consistent bleeding could be a cause for concern. The type of bleeding that turns the water in your toilet red as opposed to a bit on your toilet paper. 

    Maybe try a stool softener if you’re not doing so already. 

    As you’re 11 weeks post treatment you must be having your scans very soon. Good luck, crossing everything for you. 


  • Thank you so much for your reply. I have been quite down all day and felt this was a real set back. Am reassured to hear that you have experienced the same thing and are now so far down the line after treatment. My mood has lifted now.  Yes the 1 in 1500 is now the amount of AC diagnoses in the UK per year. Apparently it is set to rise four-fold within the next few years. Some, but not all AC’s are caused by the HPV virus. This can stay in the body for decades and then rear it’s head and cause cancer. I don’t know if that’s why AC is increasing but now the HPV vaccination is available via schools to boys and girls it should stop the increase of cases. X

  • Thanks Sarah. Yes it was on the toilet paper not in the bowl and I was constipated. I’m now trying Laxido ( movicol) instead of Dulco Ease. Had 1 sachet today may have another as I’m sore after today’s unfortunate episode and am dreading toilet time tomorrow! Am having a MRI next week results not until after the New Year although they have said I will be brought in early if there’s a problem x

  • FormerMember

    Yes I have and still do sometimes, and not necessarily associated with a painful bowel movement.  Can sometimes just happen with no obvious cause.  Was told by my oncologist that it is "telangiectasia" caused by new raised thin veins on the surface where you had radiation treatment.  First mentioned that breaking wind had caused it,  much to the amusement of my oncologist at check up!!  It happens for no real reason other than very fragile new skin!

    I have posted about this before and am still doing without any concern or worry so please think of it as a sign that you have new, albeit fragile, skin on your bottom!

    Was diagnosed with stage 3 perineal/perianal cancer in December 2013, age 67.  Nearly six years later still happily here, and don't panic nearly so much (have had had hiccups along the way but the longer I am still here the less I panic.  In fact I don't think back, only forward.  It's the only way to go now to thank all those who treated and supported me on my journey!

    Question - do you use the pseudonym "1in1500" because that is the number of diagnosed cases of anal cancer each year?  When I was diagnosed in 2013 the number was "1in900".  Don't know why it is more prevalent now.  All I know is that we should be grateful that we were diagnosed and treated promptly, with success.  I tend to prattle on, sorry, perhaps I am just enjoying the extra years I have had since my original prognosis of 40/60%.  Love and hope.  Look forward not back.  Mxx

  • Much the same as Happylady, two years on and all recent tests  fine I still have that sort of bleeding, often out of the blue.   Difficult to wear light coloured clothes or trousers 'just in case ' and often have a little soreness.

    I use Sudocrem and pantiliners and try to get on with my life!   Being here at 74 is a bonus to me!

  • Hi

    As with the other replies to your post I also sometimes get blood, I’ve had this since treatment. It only occurs after going to the loo & just a bit when I wipe, mostly it’s when I’ve struggled to go a bit but other times there seems to be no reason! I’ve discussed this quite a bit with my oncologist & my surgeon, they’re both of the same mind that it’s a mixture of stenosis & the new skin that’s formed since the radiotherapy & most likely down to a fissure. I will add that the period between these episodes seems to be getting further & further apart, it certainly doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to. My oncologist said the new skin is so, so delicate it’s like babies skin & can tear really easily. My surgeon added the time to worry is if there’s continued bleeding where there’s a lot of blood (not toilet related). 

    I hope you’re feeling a little more reassured that this doesn’t seem to be unusual. 


  • Thanks guys for your further replies, will sleep easier tonight now  x

  • I'm having this now and even though I've read your posts I'm getting myself into a right panic. Two mornings now I've had blood when I wipe and it's just so scary. It feels like before treatment with the urgency starting again, having to go to the loo more and the blood. I've been doing so well with my anxiety and as hard as I try to keep my thoughts under control, I'm really struggling and I just dread going to the loo.

    Deb x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Debh1


    I feel for you I do hun, the sight of blood is always alarming.

    The healing process for this cancer really messes with your head because we expect to feel better after treatment and see our side effect subsiding. However the reality is very different. Healing takes a long time and during that time all sorts of side effects pop up. You can feel like you taking two steps forward and one step back.

    Our medical teams don’t really warn us much about the longer term side effects, everything is focused on the treatment and the short term side effects. In addition, we all heal differently and I believe that the higher your cancer staging the longer it takes to heal because you've had more radiation. I was stage 3b and I can look back now and see that it really took me a year to heal and even mow I still have symptoms. It will however, get better.

    Its still early days for you Deb so blood, mucus, weeping, urgency, painful bowel movements, aching are all normal and caused by intense inflammation which of course we can’t see as its all internal. Blood wipes and patches of blood are normal, I still get them 16 months on. If you are passing a lot of bright red blood, the type that turns the toilet water bright red then I think you need to seek a medical opinion.

    I can see this is causing you much anxiety so my only advise is that you contact your oncologist/nurse/medical team and arrange an appointment for them to you look.

    I think this is going to be the only way you’ll feel more re-assured. 

    Let us know how you get on Deb.


    However, the reality is