Little Update

  • 7 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi all,

Just thought I’d do an update as I’ve kindly received a few enquiring emails from people.

I had my annual scans done in September and whilst they showed I was still NED, they showed a ‘thickening’ on my oesophagus that needed investigating. So I’ve been quietly worrying it was cancer spread as thats where our minds take us don’t they.

So yesterday I had an endoscopy. I was quite anxious about having this procedure, I mean no-one wants a camera shoved down their throat! but, it was actually very easy. I opted for sedation and whilst I was awake throughout, I didn’t feel a thing and can’t really remember anything other than making some very loud belching noises.

The endoscopy showed I have a small, sliding hiatus hernia. Most likely completely unrelated to the cancer, just one of those things that can happen to anyone, with age. I also had a biopsy as there’s some inflammation, I get those results in 2 weeks. My consultant isn’t concerned its cancer but I won’t completely relax until I get the definite all clear.

So all in all, feeling much better and writing this experience off as a little 'bump in the road'

Sarah x

  • Hi Sarah,

    Sorry and pleased to hear your news! I think we all go through these ‘nasties’ and always expect the big C to rear its ugly old head again. I guess it’s something we all have to live with. 

    It’s good to hear from you & wishing you all the best. 

    Love Pam xx

    Lady Tourelle

  • Hi Sarah

    Glad to hear your doing okay! I think we will always think the worst about everything now! 

    Take Care

    C x x x

  • Great news on the NED Sarah and sounds like nothing to worry about with the other issue which is good xx

    I’ll be 3 1/2 years in Jan and still no scans!! Not sure if that’s good or bad!! Onc doesn’t seem concerned ! Everyone gets different follow ups??
    take care 
    Amanda xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sarah,

    Great news.  I have a hiatus hernia myself, they are all the rage these days. Slight smile

    Glad you have your peace of mind back.

    Ian x

  • Hi Sarah,  this must have been very concerning for you. Although your Consultant has advised he/she is not concerned the biopsy will show anything malignant, I'm sure we all understand your mind won't 100%  be at rest until you receive those results. When I had my first scan pre-treatment it showed up two other things, one was a thickening on a rib. My Consultant didn't think it was connected to the Big C and said if you scan anyone over the age of 40 the scan will most likely show anomalies but they will compare my scans post-treatment and keep an eye on things. Please let us know when you receive your results x

  • Sorry you had this worry but glad you had positive results.   Keep positive for your next result and keep us posted please!

    It's amazing how we worry post treatment, but I don't expect many of us don't!   I go to a post cancer group where we always greet each other with a smile and and 'I'm fine' when asked, then have a laugh about our stock answer!

    All the best to you, Beryl

  • Hi Sarah,

    Sorry to hear you’ve had such a worry, but pleased that you are NED. 


    Jen xxx