finished treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 37 subscribers

I finished treatment 2 weeks ago. I had the first round of chemo which had a really bad effect on my body so much so that they said I shouldn't have any more. I hope it's enough to ill what was in there. Has anyone else only had one round of chemo?

Since then I'm healing well with the creams and Epsom salt baths as recommended. I find I become quite itchy at times - is this normal?

I have also healed better at the front than at the back, is this usual?

I'm having major pain with bowel movements and its my main source of discomfort, it passes quickly but I'm always dreading the next time.

I attend a colo rectal surgeon - it was he who referred me to radiation / oncology and now I'm being referred back - is this the right kind of doctor to be going back to / should I be going to an oncologist?


  • FormerMember


    Well done for getting through and coming out the other side of your treatment.

    Some people have a bad reaction to the chemo unfortunately, but as you probably know, the radiotherapy is the main treatment for this cancer and on its own is still very effective.

    You are only two weeks out of treatment, its still really early days but the side effects you are experiencing are all normal and to be expected. The skin can take a while to heal and even when healed, will remain sensitive for quite some time. Itching is part of the healing process, if you take Piriton this will help. I found the itching particularly bad at night so would take the drowsy brand of Piriton which really helped ease the itching and aided sleep. 

    Bowel movements and urinating can be painful as the radiation causes lots of inflammation. If you’re not doing so already, take some stool softeners to help things pass easier. Sometimes weeing or pooing into warm water can help. 

    Its standard practise to be passed back to your surgeon post treatment. Once oncology have done their job you may see them again once or twice but you will be placed under surgical survellaince as an outpatient. I saw my oncologist 3 times post treatment. At 6 weeks, at 12 weeks for my scan results and 3 months later. Thereafter, all my appointments have been with my surgeon. 

    Once you’ve received the good news after your scans you will probably have 3 monthly DRE’s (physical examinations) for 2 years. Then they reduce to 6 months. Scans are usually done annually although this can differ between hospitals.

    All the best with your healing. Try to be patient. Whist the treatment is short, recovery can be slow. It will pass though, you’ll get your life back and the treatment will become a distant memory.

    Sarah x

  • Hi ,

    Huge congratulations on completing treatment & beginning your recovery.

    Rest assured everything you’re feeling & going through right now seems to be the norm following this treatment. If I’d written a post when I was at the stage you are now it would have read as the same list of symptoms, exactly in fact! Although I didn’t have an extreme skin reaction during treatment still 15 months on my ‘new skin’ still gets a little inflamed once in a while & itches a bit but on my oncologists advice I’ve started using sudocrem & this seems to have helped no end. 

    As Sarah has already said it’s quite normal that once your through your treatment your handed over from oncology into surgical care. I’m still seen by oncology as well as my surgeon but that’s because I’m involved in the Plato Trial & the trial requires your oncologists input throughout. 

    All the very best in your recovery, again I’ll refer back to what Sarah has said its amazing how quickly the treatment becomes a distant memory. 
